AcqVA: Acquisition, Variation & Attrition

For visitors

Guest speakers and others who are invited to visit our group in Tromsø can order their own flight tickets and get a refund by filling out a travel and subsistence claim form. Below you can read how to fill out the form. For a first-time transfer to a foreign account, an account information sheet needs to be filled out and sent to the faculty together with the travel and subsistence claim and a copy of the traveller’s passport.

Information on how to fill out the travel and subsistence form:

Some parts of the form we will fill out for you. This includes the per diem, for which there are fixed rates. However, we would like you to fill in the following:

On the first page:
• Your personal information; name, home address, institution, and department. In the field for national identity number, please fill in your date of birth (no identity number for non-Norwegians).
• Destination and purpose of journey.
• You do not need to fill in your bank account number on the front. This information should be provided on a separate form: “Account information – payment abroad”.
• Date and time of departure and return. This is necessary for the calculation of the per diem (subsistence allowance).
• Date and signature at the bottom, where it says Claimant’s signature. Please sign in the field where it says “I, the undersigned, agree…”

On the second page:
• Under journey specification, please provide information (date, departure time, place of departure, destination, and time of arrival) for each leg of your trip, starting with e.g. the taxi from your home to the airport (times can be approximate). For each leg of the trip, please fill in the price, currency code (e.g. EUR/USD/GBP), exchange rate of the day and the corresponding amount in Norwegian kroner.
• Expenses for accommodation (If it is prepaid directly by LAVA, please specify “prepaid by LAVA”).
• Under “Overnight stay”: the name and the address of your hotel
• In the field at the bottom where it says “Remarks”, please provide additional information for clarification purposes. If you have received free meals while in Tromsø, please give us information about it here (e.g. 2 free breakfasts and 1 free dinner).

NB! It is extremely time-consuming for the staff here to find out missing information about this, so it’s very important that you fill out these fields carefully. Insufficient forms will be returned.

Along with the filled out travel reimbursement claim form, please send us all receipts for your travels, including the plane ticket (for e-tickets, please provide the boarding card or the e-ticket receipt). For plane tickets, our system requires not only proof that you bought the tickets, but also that you were actually on the flight, so it is crucial that you send us both the invoice and your tickets stubs.

If your trip includes per diem, please note that you should subtract meals that have been covered separately, e.g. breakfast at the hotel or dinners paid for by the LAVA group or others.

Please send both travel reimbursement claim form and receipts to this address:

Unn-Heidi Brekmo
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education
University of Tromsø
NO-9037 Tromsø

Alternatively, you can send everything to Unn-Heidi Brekmo on this e-mail address: