How to Submit an Abstract for a Symposium


A sym­po­sium ses­sion builds on a theme and is pro­posed and planned by a sym­po­sium organ­is­er.
 The papers focus on a com­mon theme. A sym­po­sium has a chair (often the organ­is­er) and a dis­cus­sant, who has read the papers in advance. The sym­po­sium organ­is­er will decide how the sym­po­sium is to be organ­ised and the time allot­ment for each presentation.

In addi­tion to the gen­er­al abstract require­ments, pro­pos­als for sym­posias must also include:

  • A plan for the sym­po­sium includ­ing (1) The title of the sym­po­sium, and (2) An abstract describ­ing the entire sym­po­sium (500 words).
  • Names of chair­per­son and dis­cus­sant for the Symposium.
  • Short abstracts (200 words) of all papers with­in the symposium.
  • The names of the con­trib­u­tors along with their affil­i­a­tions and email address­es, titles of their pre­sen­ta­tions and their abstracts. Names of those pre­sent­ing must be specified.

Sym­posia con­sist of a 90 minute ses­sion organ­ised by the sub­mit­ters. The sym­posia includes 3 – 5 papers per ses­sion plus a Discussant.
The sym­po­sium needs to be hand­ed in as one sub­mis­sion with a descrip­tion of the sym­po­sium (500 words) and a list of all abstracts for all papers linked to it (200 word abstract per paper).
The pro­poser must appoint a chair­per­son and a dis­cus­sant and these must be named in the pro­posal. The discussant’s role is to read all abstracts ahead of the sym­po­sium and offer a cri­tique of the sym­po­sium as a whole. The pro­poser is respon­si­ble for com­mu­ni­cat­ing with all con­trib­u­tors and with ERNAPE-ARCTIC about the pro­posal. By July 15th the pro­poser also needs to pro­vide the dis­cus­sant with a full set of abstracts of papers with­in the sym­po­sium. Only the per­son who sub­mits the pro­posal will receive cor­re­spon­dence relat­ing to the sub­mis­sion. The sub­mit­ter must noti­fy all authors of the sta­tus of the proposal.

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