Archive for November, 2017
The Mohn Prize to be awarded January 2018!
Posted by afr000 in Uncategorized on 26/11/2017
Academia Borealis is a proud co-founder of the Mohn Prize together with UiT- The Arctic University of Tromsø and Tromsø Research Foundation. The prize amounts to 2 million NOK (approximately 210 000 €), and is awarded biennially.
A steering committee with three representatives from UiT The Arctic University of Norway (appointed by the board of UiT), two representatives from Academia Borealis – The Academy of Science and Letters of Northern Norway (appointed by the board of Academia Borealis), and one representative from Tromsø Research Foundation (appointed by the board of the foundation) selects the prize winner.
The steering committee makes its decision based on a recommendation from a scientific committee appointed by the steering committee.
We look forward to the announcement of the first prize winner in January 2018!
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