Archive for category Uncategorized
Invitasjon til Harangforelesning
Posted by gha003 in Uncategorized on 28/11/2022
ACADEMIA BOREALIS, Nord-Norges Vitenskapsakademi
Onsdag 30. november 2022, kl. 1900
Norges arktiske universitetsmuseum, Rotunden. Lars Thøringsvei 10
Professor Odd Erik Garcia
UiT Aurora Center DYNAMO
Institutt for fysikk og teknologi
Universitetet i Tromsø, Norges arktiske universitet
‘Fusjonsenergi – status og utsikter’
Sola vår og alle andre stjerner i universet får sin energi ved fusjon av hydrogen. Det foregår et storstilt forskningsprosjekt for å utnytte slike kjernereaksjoner til bærekraftig produksjon av elektrisk energi i så store mengder at den vil komme menneskeheten til gode i flere årtusen fremover. Dette foredraget gir en presentasjon av den internasjonale forskningen på fusjonsenergi med utsikter for nye testreaktorer under konstruksjon.
Spørsmål og debatt. Møtet er åpent for alle interesserte
V e l k o m m e n!
Synnøve des Bouvrie,
First Mohn Prize awarded
Posted by afr000 in Uncategorized on 29/01/2018
Report from the Mohn prize award seremony and lectures can be found here
Mohn prize 2018 awarded to the team ‘The Meaning of Ice’.
Posted by afr000 in Uncategorized on 11/12/2017
The team The Meaning of Ice og dr. Eddy Carmack, have been named as winners of the International Mohn Prize for excellent research related to the Arctic. The first award winners in history of the Mohn Prize were announced the 5th of December at Árdna – the Saami Culture House at the University of Tromsø.
Vice chancellor Anne Husebekk opened the session and presented the Prize winners. Preses Synnøve des Bouvrie, Academia Borealis, gave an overview of the background of the Mohn prize. The text can be found in a separate document (Norwegian only).
The Mohn Prize to be awarded January 2018!
Posted by afr000 in Uncategorized on 26/11/2017
Academia Borealis is a proud co-founder of the Mohn Prize together with UiT- The Arctic University of Tromsø and Tromsø Research Foundation. The prize amounts to 2 million NOK (approximately 210 000 €), and is awarded biennially.
A steering committee with three representatives from UiT The Arctic University of Norway (appointed by the board of UiT), two representatives from Academia Borealis – The Academy of Science and Letters of Northern Norway (appointed by the board of Academia Borealis), and one representative from Tromsø Research Foundation (appointed by the board of the foundation) selects the prize winner.
The steering committee makes its decision based on a recommendation from a scientific committee appointed by the steering committee.
We look forward to the announcement of the first prize winner in January 2018!
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