Statement on the invasion of Ukraine

Statement from the North Norwegian Academy of Sciences – Academia Borealis

Adopted at the annual meeting, 28.03.2022


The invasion of Ukraine
The North Norwegian Academy of Sciences – Academia Borealis – severely condemns Russia’s brutal military attack on Ukraine. The great loss of human lives, the destruction of material resources, and the disrespect for Ukraine’s sovereignty have all made a deep and lasting impression on the members of the Academy. Many of our Ukrainian colleagues and their families have become refugees in their own country. Universities and academic institutions in Ukraine are being demolished.

We encourage all colleagues, national academies of sciences and international scientific bodies to resist political pressure and to protect academic freedom. We also encourage them to support the people of Ukraine and Ukrainian academic institutions in these times of war.

Russian citizens in Norway are not to be held responsible for the war policy of the Russian government. Russian students and academic colleagues in Norway should still enjoy the right to study and work in a safe and peaceful environment in our country.

Statement in Ukrainian:
Заява Північнонорвезької академії наук