AcqVA Lab

Laboratory of the Aurora Center for Language Acquisition, Variation, and Attrition
AcqVA Lab


This is the website of the main lab of the Center for Language, Brain & Learning (previously Aurora Center for Language Acquisition, Variation, and Attrition (AcqVA)), located at UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø. Together with the Psycholinguistics of Language Representation (PoLaR) lab, the AcqVA Lab provides methodological support for researchers at the AcqVA Aurora Center.

Illustration of a head with text "AcqVA Aurora".

Much of the research in our projects is based on experimental data and controlled data collection. In 2008 we established a language acquisition lab on campus, funded by CASTL and the Department of Language and Linguistics. Here we collect data from monolingual and multilingual children and adults using a wide range of methods, including eye tracking, self-paced reading, elicited production and other standard experimental paradigms. Over the years, a lot of the lab’s activity has moved out into the field, and most of our data collection today takes place in schools and kindergartens, or over the internet. The lab provides training in infra-red and web-based eye-tracking, standardized tools for data elicitation (vocabulary and grammar tests), recorders and other hardware as well as help with experimental designs and data analysis to students and staff that are associated with the AcqVA Aurora Center. The lab hosts regular seminars in statistical analysis and online data collection methods.

A woman looking at another woman that is pointing at a screen with illustrations on it.

For more information on booking lab equipment, look here.

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