Acta Borealia (1984): Volume 1(2)

Volume 1(2), 1984
Engelstad, E.: Diversity in Arctic maritime adaptions. An example from the Late Stone Age of Arctic Norway. 3-24.
Bratrein, H.D.: Fra samisk “overhøyhet” til norsk i Tromsen len på 14/1500-tallet (From Sami to Norwegian dominance in the county of Tromsen in the 15th and 16th century). 25-45.
Hansen, L.I.: Trade and markets in Northern Fenno-Scandinavia A.D. 1550-1750. 47-79.
Nielssen, A.R.: Animal husbandry among the Norwegian population in Finnmark c. 1685-1705. 81-112.

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