Acta Borealia (2009): Volume 26(2)

Volume 26(2), 2009
Birgitta Berglund: Fugela Federum in Archaeological Perspective – Eider Down as a Trade Commodity in Prehistoric Northern Europe. 110-135
Teija Alenius, Mika Lavento & Matti Saarnisto: Pollen-Analytical Results from Lake Katajajävri – Aspects of the History of Settlement in the Finnish Inland Regions. 136-155
Karl-Dag Vorren: Farm Development in the Malangen Area, Northern Norway – A Pollen-Analytical Case Study. 156-174
Bjørg Evjen: Research on and by “the Other”. Focusing on the Researcher’s Encounter with the Lule Sami in a Historically Changing Context. 175-193
Inga Maria Mulk: Conflicts Over the Repatriation of Sami Cultural Heritage in Sweden. 194-215

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