
Volume 1(1), 1984
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I., Holm-Olsen, I.M. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3-5.
Bertelsen, R.: Farm mounds of the Harstad area. Quantitative investigations of accumulation characteristics. 7-25.
Bratrein, H.D.: Skjøttebåter og leidangskip i Nord-Norge (Gun boats and leidang ships in Northern Norway). 27-37.
Helskog, K.: The Younger Stone Age settlements in Varanger, North Norway. 39-70.
Mathiesen, P.: The Disappearance of the “Västersjøfinner” from Ringvassøy. Some problems of terminology, methodology and data in the study of Sami history. 71-84.
McGovern, T.H. & Bigelow, G.F.: The archaeozoology of the Norse site Ø 17a Narssaq district, Southwest Greenland. 85-102.
Jahr, E.H.: Language Contact in Northern Norway. Adstratum and substratum in the Norwegian, Sami and Finnish for Northern Norway. 103-112.

Volume 1(2), 1984
Engelstad, E.: Diversity in Arctic maritime adaptions. An example from the Late Stone Age of Arctic Norway. 3-24.
Bratrein, H.D.: Fra samisk “overhøyhet” til norsk i Tromsen len på 14/1500-tallet (From Sami to Norwegian dominance in the county of Tromsen in the 15th and 16th century). 25-45.
Hansen, L.I.: Trade and markets in Northern Fenno-Scandinavia A.D. 1550-1750. 47-79.
Nielssen, A.R.: Animal husbandry among the Norwegian population in Finnmark c. 1685-1705. 81-112.

Volume 2(1-2), 1985
Proceedings of the Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino) seminar on “minority research from the point of view of the humanities and social sciences”
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I., Holm-Olsen, I.M. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 2.
Mathiesen, P.: Comments on the Guovdageaidnu seminar. 3-8.
Hansen, L.I.: Sami title to land in Southern Troms, Norway – Approach, method and data in reconstructing Sami rights of the past. 9-28.
Thuen, T.: Acculturation and ethnic survival? 29-45.
Bjørklund, I.: Local history in multi-ethnic context – the case of Kvænangen, Northern Norway. Some remarks on the relationship between history and social anthropology. 47-56.
Drivenes, E-A.: Do social scientists and historians write the same minority histories? 57-66.
Gjerde, A.: Den etno-politiske betydning av lokalhistorisk kunnskap i et lokalsamfunn (Ethno-political impact of historical knowledge in a local community). 67-70.
Magga, O.H.: Språkforskning og språkplanlegging i det samiske samfunnet (Linguistics and language planning in the Sami community). 71-79.
Sara, A.N.: Perspektiver for forskningen ved Nordisk Samisk Institutt. (The Sami Institute in a research perspective). 81-85.
Hoëm, A.: Sami Instituhtta i forskningssamfunnet (The Sami Institute and the community of science). 87-91.

Volume 3(1), 1986
Jernsletten, R.: The Land Sales Act of 1902 as means of Norwegianization. 3-20.
Nielsen, A.R.: Economic adaption among the Coast Sami population in Finnmark c. 1700. 21-41.
Storli, I.: A review of archaeological research on Sami prehistory. 43-63.
Holm-Olsen, I.M.: Settlement studies and the archaeological survey of North Norway. A discussion based on the survey of North Troms. 65-85.

Volume 3(2), 1986
Saressalo, L.: From oicotype (ecotype) to the study of ethnotypes. 3-17.
Kvist, R.: Den samiske handel och dess roll som social differentieringsfaktor – Lule lappmark 1760-1860 (Sami trade and its role as a promotor of social differentiation – Lule lappmark 1760-1860). 19-40.
Høgsæt, R.: The Torgar estate. The economic decline of an ancient landowning family of Helgeland in the Late Middle Ages. 41-59.
Jørgensen, R.: The Early Metal Age in Nordland and Troms. 61-87.

Volume 4(1-2), 1987
Thuen, T. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3.
I. Changes in Arctic populations in the 80’s: some current issues
Cloutier, L.: Quand le mercure s’élève trop haut à la Baie James. 5-23.
Robitaille, N. & Choinière, R.: The Inuit population of Canada: Present situation, future trends. 25-36.
McNulty, Gerry in collaboration with Marja Magga: Measuring ethnic belonging from within: The case of the Vuotso Saami. 37-42.
II. Population and ethnicity in the past
Rasmussen, H.E.: On socio-genealogies in South West Greenland, 1750-1950. 43-52.
Choinière, R. & Robitaille, N.: The fertility of the Inuit of Northern Québec: A half-century of fluctuations. 53-64.
Thuen, T.: One community – one people? Ethnicity and demography in a North-Norwegian community 1865-1930. 65-83.

III. Life styles and economic prospects for arctic populations
Lyck, L.: A model for estimation of the relation between a nation and a colonial area, applied to the Denmark-Greenland relations. 85-90.
Barre, K. de la: Strategies in northern development in Canada since the late 1960’s. 91-118.
Dorion, H.: Native Toponymy and Territorial Rights. 119-126.
Gagnon, J.A.: Recognition of native rights in Northern Québec: Settlement of comprehensive claims of constitutional protection and economic development. 127-136.
Berliner, P.: Small-scale schooling and national development. Schools in small settlements in Greenland: The impact on the opportunities of adolescents concerning work and/or education. 137-146.
The committee on northern population research/Le comité de recherche sur les populations nordiques. 147.

List of participants. 148.

Volume 5(1-2), 1988
Holm-Olsen, I.M., Bratrein, H.D., Hansen L.I. & Mathiesen, P.: A letter from the editors. 3-4.
Larson, K.: Ethnopolitics and research ethics for non-native researcher. 5-21.
Bartolotta, K., Bush, P.J., Fountain, J.C., Wellspeak, D., Zubrow, E., Allen, K. & Pelcin, E.: Slag as evidence for Early Iron production in Arctic Norway. 22-33.
Chochorowski, J. & Jasinski, M.E.: The structure of the Pomor settlement complex on the Schønningholmane site (Hornsund, West Spitsbergen) – archaeological data. 34-49.
Chochorowski, J. & Jasinski, M.E.: Traces of Pomor nautical penetration on the coast of North-Western Sørkappland, West Spitsbergen. 50-69.
Zachrisson, I.: The so-called Scandinavian cultural boundary in Northern Sweden in Viking times – Ethnic or socio-economic? 70-97.
Bertelsen, R. & Urbanczyk, P.: Vågan in Lofoten. Northern perspectives on urbanism. 98-110.
Schrader, T.A.: Pomor trade with Norway. 111-118.

Volume 6(1), 1989
Holm-Olsen, I.M., Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Mathiesen, P.: From the Editors. 3-4.
Jørgensen, R. & Bertelsen, R.: Archaeological research on Svalbard and the preservation of historical monuments, a resource crisis? 5-9.
Storå, N.: Svalbard – Centre and periphery. 10-20.
Chochorowski, J.: The Hornsund whaling station – exploration and conservation problems. 21- 42.
Albrethsen, S.E.: Archaeological investigations of 17th century whaling on Svalbard. 43-51.
Thuen, T.: “Mixed” decent and ethnogenesis – some comparative considerations of contact situations in the North. 52-71.
Hastrup, K.: Saeters in Iceland 900-1600. An anthropological analysis of economy and cosmology. 72-85.
Aikio, M.: The Kven and cultural linguistic pluralism. 86-97.
Espelund, A.: Comment on the paper “Slag as evidence for early iron production in arctic Norway”, by Kim N. A. Bartolotta et al. Acta Borealia 5(1-2), 1988. 98-99.

Volume 6(2), 1989
Sammallahti, P.: A linguist looks at Saami prehistory. 3-11.
Storå, N.: Pearl fishing among the Eastern Saami. 12-27.
Jørgensen, R.: Criteria for dating prehistoric graves – Stone Age, Bronz Age or Iron Age? 28-41.
Starkov, V.F.: Soviet archaeological expedition studies on Archipelago of Svalbard – Results and prospects. 42-46.
Zavyalov, V.I.: Excavation methods employed to study old Russian settlements and their specific features in studying Pomor complexes on Svalbard. 47-51.
Chernosvitov, P.Y.: Excavations of a Pomor settlement in Ekrolhamna – Methods and prospects. 52-56.

Volume 7(1), 1990
Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3-4.
Mathiesen, P.: Ethnicity as pattern: Past and present. 5-13.
Hastrup, Kirsten: Worlds apart. Comprehending each other across time and space. 14-24.
Thuen, T.: Recollections of the past and categories of the present: A comment on the relationship of memory and social structure. 25-39.
Steinlien, Ø.: The concept of “native” anthropology: Fieldwork among Læstadians. 40-46.
Bertelsen, R.: Towards a self-reflecting archaeology: Vágar, Vågan and Reidar. 47-58.
Birketvedt, B.F.: “There are only realities built in the mind.” The anthropological challenge of translating visual experience in the arts. 59-67.
Meløe, J.: The two landscapes of Northern Norway. 68-80.

Volume 7(2), 1990
Sumkin, V.J.: On the Ethnogenesis of the Sami: An Archaeological View. 3-20.
Engelstad, E.: The meaning of sedentism and mobility in an archaeological and historic context. 21-35.
Jensen, L.V.: Whaler’s clothing from a 17th-18th century cemetery at Likneset, Northwest Svalbard. A discussion of the cemetery’s dating and Svalbard’s role during the pelagic whaling period. 36-55.
Godal, J.: Measurements, figures and formulas for the interpretation of Western Norwegian boats and Viking ships. 56-80.
Torp, E.: Information about information: Relating different historical sources to one another. 81-85.

Volume 8(1), 1991
Arneborg, J., Hansen, S.S. & Mahler, D.L.D.: Foreword. 3.
Vebæk, C.L.: Hunting, by land and by sea, and fishing in medieval Norse Greenland. 5-14.
Albrethsen, S.E.: Sæterbrug in the Norse Eastern settlement “Østerbygden” in South-West Greenland. 15-28.
Christensen, K.M.B.: Land use and resource exploitation in the Norse Western Settlement in Greenland. 29-39.
Hansen, B.U.: Using climate and vegetation studies in Southern Greenland to estimate the natural resources in the Norse period. 40-55.
Jakobsen, B.H.: Soil resources and soil erosion in the Norse settlement area Østerbygden in Southern Greenland. 56-68.
Fredskild, B. & Humle, L.: Plant remains from the Norse farm Sandnes in the Western settlement, Greenland. 69-81.
Arneborg, J.: The Niquusat excavations reconsidered. 82-92.
Lynnerup, N.: The Norse settlers in Greenland – the physical anthropological perspective. 93-96.

Volume 8(2), 1991
Skjelbred, A.H.B.: The meaning of folklore. 3-12.
Hansen, L.I. & Meyer,T.: The ethnic classification in the late 19th-century censuses. A case-study from southern Troms, Norway. 13-56.
Makarov, N.A.: “Eastern” ornaments of the 11th-13th centuries in the Sami areas: Origins and routes. 57-80.

Volume 9(1), 1992
Small, A.: The juniper decline during the Norse landnam in the Faroe islands. 3-7.
Davydov, A.N: The wooden architecture of Archangel during the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century: Cultural context and historical background. 9-17.
Nielsen, J.P.: The troublesome Rjurik and his house – The Norman question in Soviet historiography under Stalin. 19-37.
Bratrein, H.D.: Capital influx and credit problems in North Norway through history. 39-45.

Volume 9(2), 1992
Paine, R.: Social construction of the “Tragedy of the commons” and Saami reindeer pastoralism. 3-20.
Odner, K.: Ethnicity and traditions in Northern Fenno-Scandinavia. “Finns and terfinns” ten years after. 21-36.
Bjørklund, I.: The anatomy of a millennarian movement. Some organizational conditions for the Sami revolt in Guovdageaidnu in 1852. 37-46.
Hansen, L.I.: Just K. Qvigstad’s contributions to the study of Sami culture. 47-68.
Hood, B.C.: Chert sources and distribution patterns in the Stone Age of West Finnmark, North Norway: A preliminary view. 69-84.
Hermanns-Auðardóttir, M.: The beginning of settlement in Iceland from an archaeological point of view. 85-135.

Volume 10(1), 1993
Terebikhin, N.M.: Cultural geography and cosmography of the Sami. 3-17.
Goldin, V.I.: The civil war and Allied intervention in the Russian North (1918-1920): an analytical review of Russian archives. 19-36.
Mathiesen, P.: Reconstructions of relationships and ethnic boundaries. Data and hypotheses in research on the ethnohistory of the Helgøy region between 1250 and 1850. 37-44.
Brox, O.: Can primary industries be compared? 45-46.
Paine, R.: Reply to Ottar Brox. 47-48.

Volume 10(2), 1993
Thuen, T.: Two Epochs of Norwegian-Russian Trade Relations: from Symmetry to Asymmetry. 3-18.
Nielssen, A.R.: Viking Age Chieftains in Lofoten in the Medieval Literature. 19-32.
Niemi, E.: Regionalism in the North: the Creation of ‘North Norway’. 33-46.
Storm, D.: Sámi natural resource exploitation in a markebygd and its significance today? 47-61.

Volume 11-12, 1994-1995
Fagertun, F.: Introduction. 3-4.
Berg, R.: A Norwegian Policy of the North before World War I? 5-18.
Nielsen, J.P.: The Old Russia and the New Norway (1905-1917); Neighbourliness without fear? 19-36.
Khorkina, S.: Russia and Norway – Conflicts and Cooperation in Arctic exploration, 1893-1905. 37-43.
Lillebø, G.O.: Norwegian seal hunting in the eastern part of the Polar Sea, 1917-1936: conflicts between Norway and the Soviet Union based on economic and territorial interests. 45-62.
Drivenes, E.A.: Adolf Hoel – polar ideologue and imperialist of the Polar Sea? 63-72.
Evjen, B.: An Arctic Society – A laboratory: Longyearbyen, Svalbard 1916-1975. 73-81.
Fagertun, F.: U-2 flights in the North: Western Strategy, Intelligence Requirements and Political risks. 83-92.
Bravo, M.T.: Hunting and the Art of Snow Machines: an Anthropological Reflection on Situated Techniques. 93-103.
Røsnes, B.A., Storm, D. & Sveum, T.: Bibliography of Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 1984-1994/1995. 105-128.
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Holm-Olsen, I.M.: Letter from the editors. 129-130.

Volume 13(1), 1996
Bjerkli, B.: Land Use, Traditionalism and Rights. 3-21.
Kennedy, J.C.: “Our heritage, our Identity”. 23-34.
Opedal, A.: A.W. Brøgger and the Norwegianization of the Prehistory of North Norway. 35-46.
Mulk, I.M.: The Role of the Sámi in Fur Trading during the Late Iron Age and Nordic Medieval period in the Light of the Sámi Sacrificial Sites in Lapland, Northern Sweden. 47-80.
Storli, I.: On the Historiography of Sami Reindeer pastoralism. 81-115.

Volume 13(2), 1996
The Editors.: Introduction. 2.11
Anderzén, S.: “The Ways of the Textword” in Church Tradition: Christian Mission Schooling among the Saami in Torne and Kemi Laplands in the 1700s. 3-22.
Simonsen, P.: The Stone Ages of the Tjong Peninsula. 23-52.
Konstantinov, Y.: Field Research of Reindeer-Herding in the Kola Peninsula: Problems and Challenges. 53-68.
Berg, B.A.: Government Intervention into Sámi Reindeer Management in Norway: Has it prevented or provoked “Tragedies of the Commons”? 69-89.
Antilla, S. and E. Torp.: Environment, Adjustment and Private Economic Strategies in Reindeer Pastoralism: Combining Game Theory with Participatory Action Theory. 91-108.
Elgvin, D.T.: Reindeer pastoralism in Southern Norway: A model for Northern Norway? 109-124.
Kuropjatnik, M.: Sergej Sergel and his visit to Finnmark, Norway. 125-134.

Volume 14(1), 1997
Grydeland, Sven Erik: Women’s position in former Saami society: Some reflections on demographic changes in Kvænangen County, Northern Norway. 3-32
Johnsen, Harald G.: Crossing disiplinary boundaries: On Guttorm Gjessing’s archaeology and his conversion to ethnography. 33-58
Maliniemi, Helena: Life and people at the northern tree-line: Geographer Ilmari Hustich as a researcher into the Arctic and Sub-arctic cultures. 59-79

Volume 14(2), 1997
Evjen, Bjørg: Measuring heads: physical anthropological research in Norway. 3-30
Westman, Anna: The Sun in Saami mythology. 31-58
Simonsen, Povl: Assebakte tombs and row-hearths. Did the Saami once practice cremation? 59-65

Volume 15(1), 1998
The Editors: Introduction. 3-4
Minde, Henry: Constructing ‘Laestadianism’: A case for Saami survival? 5-26
Aas, Steinar: North Norway – The frontier of the North? 27-42
Anttonen, Marjut: The dilemma of some present-day Norwegians with Finnish-speaking ancestry. 43-58
Morantz, Toby: The Past and the Future of Ethnohistory. 59-77

Volume 15(2), 1998
Hood, Bryan C.: Theory on ice: the discourse of eastern Canadian Arctic Paleoeskimo archaeology. 3-58
Jensen, Jens Fog: Dorset dwellings in West Greenland. 59-80
Olsen, Bjørnar: Saqqaq housing and settlement in southern Disko Bay, West Greenland. 81-128
Andreasen, Tine Nord: Nivertussannguaq – a survey of the faunal remains from a Saqqaq settlement in the Disko Bay area of western Greenland. 129-137
Jensen, Jens Fog & Erik Brinch Petersen: Raw Material Distribution – Social Space, Social Interaction. 139-152
Petersen, Erik Brinch, se Jensen, Jens Fog.
Berglund, Maria Hinnerson: Red sandstone and greenlandic Wool. Two diagnostic artefacts in the interpretation of a newly discovered saeter in southern Greenland. 153-174

Volume 16(1), 1999
Bayliss-Smith, Tim and Mulk, Inga-Maria: Sailing boats in Padjelanta: Sámi rock engravings from the mountain in Laponia, Northern Sweden. 3-42
Hagen, Rune: The witch-hunt in early modern Finnmark. 43-62
Paine, Robert: “Reindeer theft?” Notes on how a culture is put at odds with itself. 63-82
Torp, Eivind: Reindeer-herding and the call for sustainability in the Swedish mountain region. 83-97
Tuulentie, Seija: “Culture alone will not put bread on the table.” The many facets of the debate on the preservation of Sami culture. 97-116
Kuropjatnik, Marina: Expeditions to Sámi territories. A History of the studies of the Kola Sámi in the 1920s-1930s. 117-124

Volume 16(2), 1999
Hukkinen, Janne: Introduction: Acta Borealia Special Issue on Research at the Arctic Centre. 3-6
Helander, Elina: Sami subsistence activities – Spatial aspects and structuration. 7-26
Huttunen, Arja: Effectiveness of Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment Process. 27-42
Müller-Wille, Ludger and Hukkinen, Janne: Human-Environmental Interactions in Upper Lapland, Finland: Development of Participatory Research Strategies. 43-62
Langlais, Richard: Total security as threat: The blurring of hard and soft security in Northern Europe. 63-78

Volume 17(1), 2000
Wallerström, Thomas: The Saami between East and West in the Middle Ages: An archaeological contribution to the history of reindeer breeding. 3-40
Thór, Jon Th.: The quest for cod: Some causes of fishing conflicts in the North Atlantic. 41-50
Huggert, Anders: A church at Lycksele and a sacrificial site on Altaberget – the two worlds of the Saami. 51-76
Yamada, Takado: The revival of rituals among the Sakha-Yakut and the Hokkaido Ainu. 77-116

Volume 17(2), 2000
The editors: The Russian North – the Russian Arctic. 3-4
Sergejeva, Jelena: The Eastern Sámi: A short account of their history and identity. 5-38
Kuropjatnik, Marina: The Ter Sámi according to the Russian census of 1858: Ethno-social characteristics. 39-48
Konstantinov, Yulian: Pre-Soviet pasts of reindeer-herding collectives: Ethnographies of transition in Murmansk Region. 49-64
Goldin, Vladislav: The Civil War in Northern Russia, 1918-1920. 65-82
Khorkina, Svetlana A.: Who were these brave men? Personnel of the Russian and Norwegian polar expeditions in 1890-1917. 83-102

Volume 18(1), 2001
Jølle, Harald Dag: The tension between culture and nature. Fridtjof Nansen’s understanding of the Arctic minorities. 3-24
Odner, Knut: Trade, tribute and household responses. The archaeological excavations at Geahcevájnjárga 244 B in the Varangerfjord, Northern Norway. 25-50
Ryymin, Teemu: Creating Kvenness: Identity building among the Arctic Finns in Northern Norway. 53-68
Vilkuna, Janne: Time-bound theories about the origin of the Finns. 69-80
Konstantinov, Yulian: Review Article. 81-86

Volume 18(2), 2001
Torp, Eivind: Traditional Sami Knowledge of Predators and Swedish Environmental Policy. 3-22
Baglo, Cathrine: From Universal Homogeneity to Essential Heterogeneity: On The Visual Construction Of “The Lappish Race”. 23-40
Tuisku, Tuula: The Displacement of Nenets Women from Reindeer Herding and the Tundra in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Northwestern Russia. 41-60
Larsen, Stian Bones: Gerhard Schøning, Gothicism and the Re-evaluation of Northern Landscapes. 61-84
Paine, Robert: A Note on Ethnography & Interpretation & Imagination. 86-94

Volume 19(1), 2002
The Editors: Letter from the Editors. 3-4
Yurchenko, Alexei Y.: The Colonization of the Russian Barents Sea Coast (mid 19th to Early 20th Century): Two Approaches to the Economic Development of the Area. 5-26
Immonen, Visa: Functional Ladles or Ceremonial Cutlery? A Cultural Biography of Prehistoric Wooden Spoons from Finland. 27-48
Insulander, Ragnar: The Two-Wood Bow. 49-74
Nielsen, Jens-Petter: The Russia of the Tsar and Northern Norway. “The Russian Danger” Revisited. 75-94

Volume 19(2), 2002
Elenius, Lars: A Place in Memory of the Nation. Minority Policy towards the Finnish Speakers in Sweden and Norway. 103-124
Hultgreen, Tora: When did the Pomors come to Svalbard? 125-146
Thuen, Trond: Cultural Policies on the North Calotte. 147-164
Jackson, Tatjana N.: Bjarmaland Revisited. 165-180
Huggert, Anders: A Self-triggered Device to catch Elk as early as the Neolithic: A Study from an Archaeological and Ethnological point of View. 181-188

Volume 20(1), 2003
Olsen, Kjell: The Touristic Construction of the “Emblematic” Sámi. 3-20
Taavitsainen, Jussi-Pekka: Lapp Cairns as a Source on Metal Period Settlement in the Inland Regions of Finland. 21-48
Hønneland, Geir: Industrial Pollution Discourse in the European Arctic. 49-74
Fagertun, Fredrik: Threats and Threat Scenarios in the North during the Cold War. 75-90

Volume 20(2), 2003
Svensson, Tom G.: On Customary Law: Inquiry into an Indigenous Rights Issue. 95-119
Minde, Henry: Assimilation of the Sami – Implementation and Consequences. 121-146

Wiborg, Agnete: Between Mobility and Belonging: Out-migrated Young Students’ Perspectives in Rural Areas in North Norway. 147-168
Aas, Steinar: “One Man’s Foolishness Led to the Death of 14 Men”. Norwegian Reactions to Umberto Nobile and the “Italia” Disaster. 169-194

Volume 21(1), 2004
Janne P. Ikäheimo, Juha-Pekka Joona and Mikko Hietala: Wretchedly Poor, but Amazingly Practical: Archaeological and Experimental Evidence on the Bone Arrowheads of the Fenni. 3-20
Ryymin, Teemu: Narrating the Arctic Finns: Samuli Paulaharju’s Representations of the Kvens. 21-40
Evjen, Bjørg: …thought I was just a same. “Lulesame” and “lulesamisk area” as New Political and Identity-shaping Expressions. 41-54
Kvalvik, Ingrid: Assessing the Delimination Negotiations between Norway and the Soviet Union/Russia. 55-80

Volume 21(2), 2004
Tatjana N. Jackson: On the Date of the First Russian – Norwegian Border Treaty. 87-98

Karin Granqvist: Confrontation and Conciliation: The Sami, the Crown and the Court in Seventeenth-century Swedish Lapland. 99-116

Volume 22(1), 2005
Thor B. Arlov: The Discovery and Early Exploitation of Svalbard. Some Histographical Notes. 3-20
Edwin Okhuizen: Dutch Pre-Barentsz Maps and the Pomor Thesis about the Discovery of Spitsbergen. 21-42
Jens Petter Nielsen: John Tradescant’s Diary of his Voyage to Russia June-September 1618. A Source of Information about Russian Sea Mammal Hunting on the Svalbard Archipelago? 43-38
Roger Jørgensen: Achaeology on Svalbard: Past, Present and Future. 49-62.
Vadim R. Starkov: Methods of Russian Heritage Site Dating on the Spitsbergen Archipelago. 63-78
Tora Hultgreen: The Chronology of the Russian Hunting Stations on Svalbard: A Reconsideration. 79-92

Volume 22(2), 2005
Ingebjørg Hage: Reconstruction of North Norway after the Second World War – New Opportunities for Female Architects? 99-127

Birgitta Berglund: Recently Discovered Gievrie (South-Saami Shaman Drums) – Contexts, Meanings and Narratives. 128-152
Veli-Pekka Leothala: Research and Activism in Sàmi Politics: The Ideas and Achievements of Karl Nikul towards Securing Governance for the Sàmi. 153-169
Yulian Konstantinov: From ‘Traditional’ to Collectivized Reindeer Herding on the Kola Peninsula: Continuity or Disruption? 170-188

Volume 23(1), 2006
Urban Wråkberg: Nature Conservationism and The Arctic Commons of Spitsbergen 1900-1920. 1-23
Britta Wennstedt Edvinger & Noel D. Broadbent: Saami Circular Sacrificial Sites in Northern Coastal Sweden. 24-55
Lars Ivar Hansen: Sami Fisheries in the Pre-modern Era: Household Sustenance and Market Relations. 56-80

Volume 23(2), 2006
Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja: The Image of the Sàmi in Finnish Visual Arts before the Second World War. 97-115
Daniel Lindmark: Pietism and Colonialism. Swedish Schooling in Eigthteenth-century Sàpmi. 116-129
Roald Berg: Gender in Polar Air: Roald Amundsen and his Aeronautics. 130-144
Teija Alenius & Ville Laakso: Palaeoecology and Archaeology in the Village of Uukuniemi, Eastern Finland. 145-165

Volume 24(1), 2007
Hugh Beach: Self-determining the Self: Aspects of Saami Identity Management in Sweden. 1-25
Ingebjørg Hage: Reconstruction Housing in North Norway: Gender and the Reception of the Modern Era. 26-43
Tatiana Safonova: The Professional Ethos of Rangers in Russian Nature Reserves. 44-58
Narve Fulsås: What did the Weather Forecast do to Fishermen, and what did Fishermen do to the Weather Forecast? 59-83
Reinhard Mook & Reidar Bertelsen: The Possible Advantage of Living in Turf Houses on Settlement Mounds. 84-97

Volume 24(2), 2007
Svein Atle Skålevåg: Medical Hermeneutics of Murder. Race, Medicine and Law in a Murder Case from Finnmark, 1911. 109-129
Astri Andresen: In the Wake of the Kautokeino Event: Changing Perceptions of Insanity and the Sámi 1852-1965. 130-142
Teemu Ryymin: Civilising the “Uncivilized”: The Fight against Tuberculosis in Northern Norway at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. 143-162
Ann Grubbström: Estonian Swedish Ethnic Survival – Examples from Nuckö in the Interwar Period. 162-175

Volume 25(1), 2008
Lina Gaski: Contesting the Sami Polity: Discursive Representations in the Sami Electoral Campaign in 2005. 1-21
Arild Viken, Brynhild Granås & Toril Nyseth: Kirkenes: An Industrial Site Reinvented as a Border Town. 22-44
Karen Langgård: Oral/Past Culture and Modern Technical Means in the Literature of the Tweentieth Century in Greenland. 45-57
Natalia Drannikova & Roald Larsen: Representations of the Chudes in Norwegian and Russian Folklore. 58-72

Volume 25(2), 2008
Tatjana N. Jackson: Novgorod the Great in Baltic Trade before 1300. 83-92
Trond Trosterud: Language Assimilation During the Modernisation Process: Experiences from Norway and North-West Russia. 93-122
Ketil Zachariassen: Rethinking the Creation of North Norway as a Region. 113-137
Ari Martin Laakso: The Shadow Field of Reindeer Management: A Case Study from Finland. 138-159
Helge Chr. Pedersen: Sports, Politics and Ethnicity in the North. Worker’s Sport in Western Finnmark in the Late 1930’s. 160-186

Volume 26(1), 2009
Lars Liedgren & Ingela Bergman: Aspects of the Construction of Prehistoric Stallo-Foundations and Stallo-Buildings. 2-26
Yulian Konstantinov: Roadlessness and the Person: Modes of Travel in the Reindeer Herding Part of the Kola Peninsula. 27-49
Johan Schimanski & Ulrike Spring: Explorers’ Bodies in Arctic Mediascapes: Celebrating the Return of the Austro-Hungarian Polar Expedition in 1874. 50-76
Harald Beyer Broch: Tracks that Matter: On Space, Place and Hare Indian Ethnobiology with special reference to the Marten (martes americana). 77-95
Teemu Ryymin & Astri Andresen: Effecting Equality: Norwegian Health Policy in Finnmark, 1945-1970s. 96-114

Volume 26(2), 2009
Birgitta Berglund: Fugela Federum in Archaeological Perspective – Eider Down as a Trade Commodity in Prehistoric Northern Europe. 110-135
Teija Alenius, Mika Lavento & Matti Saarnisto: Pollen-Analytical Results from Lake Katajajävri – Aspects of the History of Settlement in the Finnish Inland Regions. 136-155
Karl-Dag Vorren: Farm Development in the Malangen Area, Northern Norway – A Pollen-Analytical Case Study. 156-174
Bjørg Evjen: Research on and by “the Other”. Focusing on the Researcher’s Encounter with the Lule Sami in a Historically Changing Context. 175-193
Inga Maria Mulk: Conflicts Over the Repatriation of Sami Cultural Heritage in Sweden. 194-215

Volume 27(1), 2010
Sari Pietkäinen, Leena Huss, Sirkka Laithiala-Kankainen, Ulla Aikio-Puoskari & Pia Lane: Regulating Multilingualism in the North Calotte: The Case of Kven, Meänkieli and Sámi Languages. 1-23
Anne Heith: An Arctic Melting-Pot: The Byzantine Lagacy and Bengt Pohjanen’s Construction of a Tornedalian Aesthetic. 24-43
Yulian Konstantinov: Socioeconomic Life of Climate Change: Extensitvity in Reindeer Husbandry in Relation to Synergies between Social and Climate Change (Kola Peninsula) 44-65
Per Selle & Kristin Strømsnes: Sámi Citizenship: Marginalisation or Integration? 66-90
Bente Sundsvold: Stedets herligheter – Amentues of Place: Eider Down Harvesting through Changing Times. 91-115

Volume 27(2), 2010
Susanne Dybbroe, Jens Dahl og Ludger Müller-Wille: Dynamics of Arctic Urbanization. 120-124.
Dahl Jens: Identity, Urbanization and Political Demography in Greenland. 125-140.
Ludger Müller-Wille: Precursors of Urban Processes in Finnish Sápmi in the 1960s. 141-150.
Edmund (Ned) Searles: Placing Identity: Town, Land and Authenticity in Nunavut, Canada. 151-166.
Frank Sejersen: Urbanizaton, Landscape Appropriation and Cimate Change in Greenland. 167-188.
Rane Willerslev: “Urbanities without a City”: Three Generations of Siberian Yukaghir Women. 189-207.
Gitte Tròndheim: Kinship in Greenland – Emotions of Relatedness. 208-220.
Bjørn Bjerkli: Landscape and Resistance. The Transformation of Common Land from Dwelling Landscape to Political Landscape. 221-236.

Volume 28(1), 2011
Bengt-Ove Andreassen: History as Religious Self-mediation: The cse of the First-born Laestadians. 1-18.
Mikkel Berg-Nordlie: Need and Misery in the Eastern Periphery: Nordic Sámi Media Debate on the Kola Sami. 19-36.
Leif Christian Jensen and Leif Hønneland: Framing the High North: Public Discourses in Norway after 2000. 37-54.
Gørill Nilsen and Stephen Wickler: Boathouses as Indicators of Ethnic Interaction? 55-88.
Vladislava K. Vladimirova: “We are Reindeer people, We come from Reindeer”. Reindeer Herding in Representations of the Sami in Russia. 89-113.
Roald E. Kristiansen: Tracing Sami Traditions: In search of the Indigenous Religion among the Western Sami during the 17th and 18th Centuries. 114-117. (Book Review).

Volume 28(2), 2011
Gísli Pálsson and Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson: Make No Bones About It: The Invention of Homo islandicus.119-141.
Loftur Guttormsson: Population, Households and Fisheries in the Parish of Hvalsnes, Southwestern Iceland, 1750–1850. 142-166.
Pavel V. Fedorov: The European Far North of Russia and Its Territorial Constructions in the Sixteenth–Twenty-First Centuries. 167-182.
Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja: Frontier Landscape – Lapland in the Tradition of Finnish Landscape Painting. 183-202.
Ingebjørg Hage: Historical Vernacular Gardens Beyond Norway’s Arctic Circle. 203-227.
Gro B. Ween and Jan Åge Riseth: Doing is Learning: Analysis of an Unsuccessful Attempt to Adapt TEK/IK Methodology to Norwegian Sámi Circumstances. 228-242.

Volume 29(1), 2012
Roger Jørgensen: The Social and Material Context of the Iron Age Blacksmith in North Norway. 1-34.
Hugo Reinert: Knives for the Slaughter – Notes on the Reform and Governance of Indigenous Reindeer Slaughter in Norway. 35-55.
Cato Christensen: Reclaiming the Past: On the History-making Significance of the Sámi Film The Kautokeino Rebellion.56-76.
Line Esborg: (Re)constructed Cultural Heritage. 77-97.
Lill Rastad Bjørst: Climate Testimonies and Climate-crisis Narratives. Inuit Delegated to Speak on Behalf of the Climate. 98-113.

Volume 29(2), 2012
Robert Marc Friedman: Introduction: The Aurora in History. 115-118.
Päivi Maria Pihlaja: Northern Laboratories of Nature and the Quest for Scientific Honour in Early Modern Sweden. 119-136.
Sven Widmalm: Auroral Research and the Character of Astronomy in Enlightenment Sweden. 137-156.
Per Pippin Aspaas and Truls Lynne Hansen: The Role of the Societas Meteorologica Palatina (1781–1792) in the History of Auroral Research. 157-176.
Vidar Enebakk: Appropriating the Aurora: Christopher Hansteen and the Circumpolar Auroral Rings. 177-196.
Ulrike Spring: Between Spectacle and Science: The Aurora in Central Europe, 1870s–1880s. 197-215.
Steinar Aas: Norwegian and Soviet/Russian World War II Memory Policy During the Cold War and the Post-Soviet Years. 216-239. (Research Paper).

Volume 30(1), 2013
Arne Eide, Knut Heen, Claire Armstrong, Ola Flaaten and Anatoly Vasiliev: Challenges and Successes in the Management of a Shared Fish Stock – The Case of the Russian–Norwegian Barents Sea Cod Fishery. 1-20.
Paul Fryer and Ari Lehtinen: Iz’vatas and the diaspora space of humans and non-humans in the Russian North. 21-38.
Camilla Brattland: Proving Fishers Right. Effects of the Integration of Experience-Based Knowledge in Ecosystem-Based Management. 39-59.
Harald Beyer Broch: Monkfish Mysteries. A Narrative Analysis of Place-making and Knowledge Production among North Norwegian Fishermen. 60-74.
Bodil Hansen Blix, Torunn Hamran & Hans Ketil Normann: “The Old Sami” – who is he and how should he be cared for? A discourse analysis of Norwegian policy documents regarding care services for elderly Sami. 75-100.
Jukka Nyyssönen: Sami Counter-Narratives of Colonial Finland. Articulation, Reception and the Boundaries of the Politically Possible. 101-121.
Vladislava Vladimirova: Bridging Divides. Ethnopolitical Leadership among the Russian Sami. 122-127. (Book Review).

Volume 30(2), 2013
Hugh Beach: Linking Essentialist and Constructivist Ethnicity. 129-153.
Roald Berg: From “Spitsbergen” to “Svalbard”. Norwegianization in Norway and in the “Norwegian Sea”, 1820–1925. 154-173.
Ivar Bjørklund: Domestication, Reindeer Husbandry and the Development of Sámi Pastoralism. 174-189.
Trude A. Fonneland: Sami Tourism and the Signposting of Spirituality. The Case of Sami Tour: a Spiritual Entrepreneur in the Contemporary Experience Economy. 190-208.
Roald E. Kristiansen: Two Northern Grimoires: The Trondenes and Vesterålen Black Books. 209-222.
Frank Sejersen: The Indigenous Space and Marginalized Peoples in the United Nations. 223-226.

Volume 31(1), 2014
Stine Barlindhaug and Jon Corbett: Living a Long Way from Home: Communicating Land-related Knowledge in Dispersed Indigenous Communities, an Alternative Approach. 1-24.
Jarno Valkonen and Sanna Valkonen: Contesting the Nature Relations of Sámi Culture. 25-40.
Anne Heith: Valkeapää’s Use of Photographs in Beaivi áhčážan: Indigenous Counter-History versus Documentation in the Age of Photography. 41-58.
Hans Landqvist: “‘Ruottiksi’, translated Paul Muotka patiently. ‘Kiitos.’” Mikael Niemi, Meänkieli and Readers Inside and Outside Tornedalen. 59-82.
Matti Salo: High-Tech Centre in the Periphery: The Political, Economic and Cultural Factors behind the Emergence and Development of the Oulu ICT Phenomenon in Northern Finland. 83-107.

Volume 31(2), 2014
Hilde Sollid: Hierarchical Dialect Encounters in Norway. 111-130.
Torill Nyseth and Paul Pedersen: Urban Sámi Identities in Scandinavia: Hybridities, Ambivalences and Cultural Innovation. 131-151.
Hiroshi Maruyama: Japan’s Policies Towards the Ainu Language and Culture with Special Reference to North Fennoscandian Sami Policies. 152-175.
Ritva Maria Kylli: Bread and Power in the “Land of No Bread” – Low-Carbohydrate Sámi Diet in Transition. 176-197.

Volume 32(1), 2015
Torgeir Nordvik: Between Criticism and Loyalty. The Laestadian Lyngen Group’s Relation to the Church of Norway. 1-19.
Julie Lund: Living Places or Animated Objects? Sámi Sacrificial Places with Metal Objects and Their South Scandinavian Parallels. 20-39.
Mikkel Berg-Nordlie: Two Centuries of Russian Sámi Policy: Arrangements for Autonomy and Participation Seen in Light of Imperial, Soviet and Federal Indigenous Minority Policy 1822–2014. 40-67.
Art Leete and Vladimir Lipin: The Concept of Truth in the Komi Hunting Stories. 68-84.
Randi Rønning Balsvik: Russia and Norway: Research Collaboration and Comparison of Asymmetrical Relations. 85-99. (Extended Book Review Essay).
Lars Elenius: Veiviser i det mangfoldige nord. Utvalgte artikler av Einar Niemi [Pathfinder in the Diverse North. Selected Articles by Einar Niemi]. 100-102. (Book Review).

Volume 32(2), 2015
Rognald Heiseldal Bergesen: Dutch Images of Indigenous Sámi Religion. Jan Luyken’s Illustrations of Lapland.103-124.
Veli-Pekka Lehtola: Second world war as a trigger for transcultural changes among Sámi people in Finland. 125-147.
Teresa Miranda Maureira and Susanne Stenbacka: Indigenous Tourism and Processes of Resilience – About Communicative Strategies among Tourism Workers in Québec. 148-170.
Nikolai Vakhtin: Indigenous minorities of Siberia and Russian sociolinguistics of the 1920s: A life apart? 171-189.
Bjørn Hersoug, Bjørn-Petter Finstad and Pål Christensen: The system of Norwegian fish sales unions – An anachronism or a successful adaptation to modern fisheries? 190-204.
Marion Gibson: Witches of the North: Scotland and Finnmark. 205-208. (Book Review).
Marie-Theres Federhofer: Passagiere des Eises. Polarhelden und arktische Diskurse 1874 [Passengers of the Ice: Polar Heroes and Arctic Discourses, 1874]. 208-211. (Book Review).

Volume 33(1), 2016
Bryan C. Hood and Stine Grøvdal Melsæther: Shellfish exploitation in Stone Age Arctic Norway: procurement patterns and household activities. 1-29.
Ville Hakamäki: Late Iron Age transculturalism in the northern “periphery”: understanding the long-term prehistoric occupational area of Viinivaara E, Finland. 30-51.
Ingela Bergman and Lars-Erik Edlund: Birkarlar and Sámi – inter-cultural contacts beyond state control: reconsidering the standing of external tradesmen (birkarlar) in medieval Sámi societies. 52-80.
Karen Oslund: Greenland in the center: what happened when the Danish–Norwegian officials met English and Dutch whalers in Disko Bay, 1780–1820. 81-99.
Yulian Konstantinov and Inna Ryzhkova: Pre-emptive mobilities: Russian real estate abroad (the case of owners from Murmansk Region). 100-117.

Volume 33(2), 2016
Lena Aarekol: Arctic trophy hunters, tourism and masculinities, 1827–1914. 123-139.
Peter Stadius: Petsamo: bringing modernity to Finland’s Arctic Ocean shore 1920–1939. 140-165.
Ingeborg Høvik: Reproducing the indigenous: John Møller’s studio portraits of Greenlanders in context. 166-188.
Hanna Eglinger: Nomadic, ecstatic, magic: Arctic primitivism in Scandinavia around 1900. 189-214.

Volume 34(1), 2017
Kathrine I. Johnsen and Tor A. Benjaminsen: The art of governing and everyday resistance: “rationalization” of Sámi reindeer husbandry in Norway since the 1970s. 1-25.
Jon Lundesgaard and Victoria V. Tevlina: Russian timber industry in the 1920s: on the short history of Russnorvegoles. 26-49.
Margarita Dadykina, Alexei Kraikovski and Julia Lajus: Mastering the Arctic marine environment: organizational practices of Pomor hunting expeditions to Svalbard (Spitsbergen) in the eighteenth century. 50-69.
Bengt-Ove Andreassen: A review of theories on the Laestadian rørelse: on the academic construction of something extraordinary and exotic. 70-89.
Nina Sääskilahti: Reframing belonging: affective localism and the early fiction of Reino Rinne. 90-101.

Volume 34(2), 2017
Jonas M. Nordin and Carl-Gösta Ojala: Copper worlds: a historical archaeology of Abraham and Jakob Momma-Reenstierna and their industrial enterprise in the Torne River Valley, c. 1650–1680. 103-133.
Ingela Bergman and Per H. Ramqvist: Farmer-fishermen: interior lake fishing and inter-cultural and intra-cultural relations among coastal and interior Sámi communities in northern Sweden AD 1200–1600. 134-158.
Petia Mankova: Heterogeneity and spontaneity: reindeer races, bureaucratic designs and indigenous transformations at the Festival of the North in Murmansk. 159-177.
Hilde Rigmor Amundsen: Changing histories and ethnicities in a Sámi and Norse borderland. 178-197.