Acta Borealia (2009): Volume 26(2)

Volume 26(2), 2009
Birgitta Berglund: Fugela Federum in Archaeological Perspective – Eider Down as a Trade Commodity in Prehistoric Northern Europe. 110-135
Teija Alenius, Mika Lavento & Matti Saarnisto: Pollen-Analytical Results from Lake Katajajävri – Aspects of the History of Settlement in the Finnish Inland Regions. 136-155
Karl-Dag Vorren: Farm Development in the Malangen Area, Northern Norway – A Pollen-Analytical Case Study. 156-174
Bjørg Evjen: Research on and by “the Other”. Focusing on the Researcher’s Encounter with the Lule Sami in a Historically Changing Context. 175-193
Inga Maria Mulk: Conflicts Over the Repatriation of Sami Cultural Heritage in Sweden. 194-215

Posted in Alenius Teija, Berglund Birgitta, Evjen Bjørg, Lavento Mika, Mulk Inga-Maria, Saarnisto Matti, Volume 26 - 2009, Vorren Karl-Dag | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2009): Volume 26(2)

Acta Borealia (2004): Volume 21(1)

Volume 21(1), 2004
Janne P. Ikäheimo, Juha-Pekka Joona and Mikko Hietala: Wretchedly Poor, but Amazingly Practical: Archaeological and Experimental Evidence on the Bone Arrowheads of the Fenni. 3-20
Ryymin, Teemu: Narrating the Arctic Finns: Samuli Paulaharju’s Representations of the Kvens. 21-40
Evjen, Bjørg: …thought I was just a same. “Lulesame” and “lulesamisk area” as New Political and Identity-shaping Expressions. 41-54
Kvalvik, Ingrid: Assessing the Delimination Negotiations between Norway and the Soviet Union/Russia. 55-80

Posted in Evjen Bjørg, Hietala Mikko, Ikäheimo Janne P., Joona Juha-Pekka, Kvalvik Ingrid, Ryymin Teemu, Volume 21 - 2004 | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2004): Volume 21(1)

Acta Borealia (1997): Volume 14(2)

Volume 14(2), 1997
Evjen, Bjørg: Measuring heads: physical anthropological research in Norway. 3-30
Westman, Anna: The Sun in Saami mythology. 31-58
Simonsen, Povl: Assebakte tombs and row-hearths. Did the Saami once practice cremation? 59-65

Posted in Evjen Bjørg, Simonsen Povl, Volume 14 - 1997, Westman Anna | Tagged , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1997): Volume 14(2)

Acta Borealia (1994-95): Volume 11-12

Volume 11-12, 1994-1995
Fagertun, F.: Introduction. 3-4.
Berg, R.: A Norwegian Policy of the North before World War I? 5-18.
Nielsen, J.P.: The Old Russia and the New Norway (1905-1917); Neighbourliness without fear? 19-36.
Khorkina, S.: Russia and Norway – Conflicts and Cooperation in Arctic exploration, 1893-1905. 37-43.
Lillebø, G.O.: Norwegian seal hunting in the eastern part of the Polar Sea, 1917-1936: conflicts between Norway and the Soviet Union based on economic and territorial interests. 45-62.
Drivenes, E.A.: Adolf Hoel – polar ideologue and imperialist of the Polar Sea? 63-72.
Evjen, B.: An Arctic Society – A laboratory: Longyearbyen, Svalbard 1916-1975. 73-81.
Fagertun, F.: U-2 flights in the North: Western Strategy, Intelligence Requirements and Political risks. 83-92.
Bravo, M.T.: Hunting and the Art of Snow Machines: an Anthropological Reflection on Situated Techniques. 93-103.
Røsnes, B.A., Storm, D. & Sveum, T.: Bibliography of Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 1984-1994/1995. 105-128.
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Holm-Olsen, I.M.: Letter from the editors. 129-130.

Posted in Berg Roald, Bratrein H.D, Bravo Michael T., Drivenes Einar-Arne, Evjen Bjørg, Fagertun Fredrik, Hansen Lars-Ivar, Holm-Olsen I.M, Khorkina Svetlana A., Lillebø Geir O., Mathiesen Per, Nielsen Jens Petter, Røsnes Bent A., Storm Dikka, Sveum Tor, Volume 11 - 1994, Volume 12 - 1995 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1994-95): Volume 11-12