Acta Borealia (2005): Volume 22(1)

Volume 22(1), 2005
Thor B. Arlov: The Discovery and Early Exploitation of Svalbard. Some Histographical Notes. 3-20
Edwin Okhuizen: Dutch Pre-Barentsz Maps and the Pomor Thesis about the Discovery of Spitsbergen. 21-42
Jens Petter Nielsen: John Tradescant’s Diary of his Voyage to Russia June-September 1618. A Source of Information about Russian Sea Mammal Hunting on the Svalbard Archipelago? 43-38
Roger Jørgensen: Achaeology on Svalbard: Past, Present and Future. 49-62.
Vadim R. Starkov: Methods of Russian Heritage Site Dating on the Spitsbergen Archipelago. 63-78
Tora Hultgreen: The Chronology of the Russian Hunting Stations on Svalbard: A Reconsideration. 79-92

Posted in Arlov Tor B., Hultgreen Tora, Jørgensen R., Nielsen Jens Petter, Okhuizen Edwin, Starkov Vadim R., Volume 22 - 2005 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2005): Volume 22(1)

Acta Borealia (2002): Volume 19(2)

Volume 19(2), 2002
Elenius, Lars: A Place in Memory of the Nation. Minority Policy towards the Finnish Speakers in Sweden and Norway. 103-124
Hultgreen, Tora: When did the Pomors come to Svalbard? 125-146
Thuen, Trond: Cultural Policies on the North Calotte. 147-164
Jackson, Tatjana N.: Bjarmaland Revisited. 165-180
Huggert, Anders: A Self-triggered Device to catch Elk as early as the Neolithic: A Study from an Archaeological and Ethnological point of View. 181-188

Posted in Elenius Lars, Huggert Anders, Hultgreen Tora, Jackson Tatjana N., Thuen Trond, Volume 19 - 2002 | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2002): Volume 19(2)