Acta Borealia (1994-95): Volume 11-12

Volume 11-12, 1994-1995
Fagertun, F.: Introduction. 3-4.
Berg, R.: A Norwegian Policy of the North before World War I? 5-18.
Nielsen, J.P.: The Old Russia and the New Norway (1905-1917); Neighbourliness without fear? 19-36.
Khorkina, S.: Russia and Norway – Conflicts and Cooperation in Arctic exploration, 1893-1905. 37-43.
Lillebø, G.O.: Norwegian seal hunting in the eastern part of the Polar Sea, 1917-1936: conflicts between Norway and the Soviet Union based on economic and territorial interests. 45-62.
Drivenes, E.A.: Adolf Hoel – polar ideologue and imperialist of the Polar Sea? 63-72.
Evjen, B.: An Arctic Society – A laboratory: Longyearbyen, Svalbard 1916-1975. 73-81.
Fagertun, F.: U-2 flights in the North: Western Strategy, Intelligence Requirements and Political risks. 83-92.
Bravo, M.T.: Hunting and the Art of Snow Machines: an Anthropological Reflection on Situated Techniques. 93-103.
Røsnes, B.A., Storm, D. & Sveum, T.: Bibliography of Acta Borealia: A Nordic Journal of Circumpolar Societies 1984-1994/1995. 105-128.
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Holm-Olsen, I.M.: Letter from the editors. 129-130.

Posted in Berg Roald, Bratrein H.D, Bravo Michael T., Drivenes Einar-Arne, Evjen Bjørg, Fagertun Fredrik, Hansen Lars-Ivar, Holm-Olsen I.M, Khorkina Svetlana A., Lillebø Geir O., Mathiesen Per, Nielsen Jens Petter, Røsnes Bent A., Storm Dikka, Sveum Tor, Volume 11 - 1994, Volume 12 - 1995 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1994-95): Volume 11-12

Acta Borealia (1993): Volume 10(1)

Volume 10(1), 1993
Terebikhin, N.M.: Cultural geography and cosmography of the Sami. 3-17.
Goldin, V.I.: The civil war and Allied intervention in the Russian North (1918-1920): an analytical review of Russian archives. 19-36.
Mathiesen, P.: Reconstructions of relationships and ethnic boundaries. Data and hypotheses in research on the ethnohistory of the Helgøy region between 1250 and 1850. 37-44.
Brox, O.: Can primary industries be compared? 45-46.
Paine, R.: Reply to Ottar Brox. 47-48.

Posted in Brox Ottar, Goldin Vladislav, Mathiesen Per, Paine Robert, Terebikhin Nikolaj M., Volume 10 - 1993 | Tagged , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1993): Volume 10(1)

Acta Borealia (1990): Volume 7(1)

Volume 7(1), 1990
Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3-4.
Mathiesen, P.: Ethnicity as pattern: Past and present. 5-13.
Hastrup, Kirsten: Worlds apart. Comprehending each other across time and space. 14-24.
Thuen, T.: Recollections of the past and categories of the present: A comment on the relationship of memory and social structure. 25-39.
Steinlien, Ø.: The concept of “native” anthropology: Fieldwork among Læstadians. 40-46.
Bertelsen, R.: Towards a self-reflecting archaeology: Vágar, Vågan and Reidar. 47-58.
Birketvedt, B.F.: “There are only realities built in the mind.” The anthropological challenge of translating visual experience in the arts. 59-67.
Meløe, J.: The two landscapes of Northern Norway. 68-80.

Posted in Bertelsen Reidar, Birketvedt B.F., Hastrup K., Mathiesen Per, Meløe J., Steinlien Øystein, Thuen Trond, Volume 7 - 1990 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1990): Volume 7(1)

Acta Borealia (1989): Volume 6(1)

Volume 6(1), 1989
Holm-Olsen, I.M., Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Mathiesen, P.: From the Editors. 3-4.
Jørgensen, R. & Bertelsen, R.: Archaeological research on Svalbard and the preservation of historical monuments, a resource crisis? 5-9.
Storå, N.: Svalbard – Centre and periphery. 10-20.
Chochorowski, J.: The Hornsund whaling station – exploration and conservation problems. 21- 42.
Albrethsen, S.E.: Archaeological investigations of 17th century whaling on Svalbard. 43-51.
Thuen, T.: “Mixed” decent and ethnogenesis – some comparative considerations of contact situations in the North. 52-71.
Hastrup, K.: Saeters in Iceland 900-1600. An anthropological analysis of economy and cosmology. 72-85.
Aikio, M.: The Kven and cultural linguistic pluralism. 86-97.
Espelund, A.: Comment on the paper “Slag as evidence for early iron production in arctic Norway”, by Kim N. A. Bartolotta et al. Acta Borealia 5(1-2), 1988. 98-99.

Posted in Aikio M., Albrethsen S.E., Bertelsen Reidar, Bratrein H.D, Chochorowski J., Espelund A., Hansen Lars-Ivar, Hastrup K., Holm-Olsen I.M, Jørgensen R., Mathiesen Per, Storå Nils, Thuen Trond, Volume 6 - 1989 | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1989): Volume 6(1)

Acta Borealia (1988): Volume 5(1-2)

Volume 5(1-2), 1988
Holm-Olsen, I.M., Bratrein, H.D., Hansen L.I. & Mathiesen, P.: A letter from the editors. 3-4.
Larson, K.: Ethnopolitics and research ethics for non-native researcher. 5-21.
Bartoletta, K., Bush, P.J., Fountain, J.C., Wellspeak, D., Zubrow, E., Allen, K. & Pelcin, E.: Slag as evidence for Early Iron production in Arctic Norway. 22-33.
Chochorowski, J. & Jasinski, M.E.: The structure of the Pomor settlement complex on the Schønningholmane site (Hornsund, West Spitsbergen) – archaeological data. 34-49.
Chochorowski, J. & Jasinski, M.E.: Traces of Pomor nautical penetration on the coast of North-Western Sørkappland, West Spitsbergen. 50-69.
Zachrisson, I.: The so-called Scandinavian cultural boundary in Northern Sweden in Viking times – Ethnic or socio-economic? 70-97.
Bertelsen, R. & Urbanczyk, P.: Vågan in Lofoten. Northern perspectives on urbanism. 98-110.
Schrader, T.A.: Pomor trade with Norway. 111-118.

Posted in Allen K., Bartoletta K., Bertelsen Reidar, Bratrein H.D, Bush B.J., Chochorowski J., Fountain J.C., Hansen Lars-Ivar, Jasinski M.E., Larson K., Mathiesen Per, Pelcin E., Schrader T.A., Urbanczyk P., Volume 5 - 1988, Wellspeak D., Zachrisson I., Zubrow E. | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1988): Volume 5(1-2)

Acta Borealia (1987): Volume 4(1-2)

Volume 4(1-2), 1987
Thuen, T. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3.
I. Changes in Arctic populations in the 80’s: some current issues
Cloutier, L.: Quand le mercure s’élève trop haut à la Baie James. 5-23.
Robitaille, N. & Choinière, R.: The Inuit population of Canada: Present situation, future trends. 25-36.
McNulty, Gerry in collaboration with Marja Magga: Measuring ethnic belonging from within: The case of the Vuotso Saami. 37-42.
II. Population and ethnicity in the past
Rasmussen, H.E.: On socio-genealogies in South West Greenland, 1750-1950. 43-52.
Choinière, R. & Robitaille, N.: The fertility of the Inuit of Northern Québec: A half-century of fluctuations. 53-64.
Thuen, T.: One community – one people? Ethnicity and demography in a North-Norwegian community 1865-1930. 65-83-

III. Life styles and economic prospects for arctic populations
Lyck, L.: A model for estimation of the relation between a nation and a colonial area, applied to the Denmark-Greenland relations. 85-90.
Barre, K. de la: Strategies in northern development in Canada since the late 1960’s. 91-118.
Dorion, H.: Native Toponymy and Territorial Rights. 119-126.
Gagnon, J.A.: Recognition of native rights in Northern Québec: Settlement of comprehensive claims of constitutional protection and economic development. 127-136.
Berliner, P.: Small-scale schooling and national development. Schools in small settlements in Greenland: The impact on the opportunities of adolescents concerning work and/or education. 137-146.
The committee on northern population research/Le comité de recherche sur les populations nordiques. 147.

List of participants. 148.

Posted in Barre K. de la, Berliner P., Choiniere R., Cloutier L., Dorion H., Gagnon J.A., Lyck L., Magga Marja, Mathiesen Per, McNulty Gerry, Rasmussen H.E., Robitaille N., Thuen Trond, Volume 4 - 1987 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1987): Volume 4(1-2)

Acta Borealia (1985): Volume 2(1-2)

Volume 2(1-2), 1985
Proceedings of the Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino) seminar on “minority research from the point of view of the humanities and social sciences”

Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I., Holm-Olsen, I.M. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 2.
Mathiesen, P.: Comments on the Guovdageaidnu seminar. 3-8.
Hansen, L.I.: Sami title to land in Southern Troms, Norway – Approach, method and data in reconstructing Sami rights of the past. 9-28.
Thuen, T.: Acculturation and ethnic survival? 29-45.
Bjørklund, I.: Local history in multi-ethnic context – the case of Kvænangen, Northern Norway. Some remarks on the relationship between history and social anthropology. 47-56.
Drivenes, E-A.: Do social scientists and historians write the same minority histories? 57-66.
Gjerde, A.: Den etno-politiske betydning av lokalhistorisk kunnskap i et lokalsamfunn (Ethno-political impact of historical knowledge in a local community). 67-70.
Magga, O.H.: Språkforskning og språkplanlegging i det samiske samfunnet (Linguistics and language planning in the Sami community). 71-79.
Sara, A.N.: Perspektiver for forskningen ved Nordisk Samisk Institutt. (The Sami Institute in a research perspective). 81-85.
Hoëm, A.: Sami Instituhtta i forskningssamfunnet (The Sami Institute and the community of science). 87-91.

Posted in Bjørklund Ivar, Bratrein H.D, Drivenes Einar-Arne, Gjerde A., Hansen Lars-Ivar, Hoëm Asbjørn, Holm-Olsen I.M, Magga Ole-Henrik, Mathiesen Per, Sara A.N, Thuen Trond, Volume 2 - 1985 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1985): Volume 2(1-2)

Acta Borealia (1984): Volume 1(1)

Volume 1(1), 1984
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I., Holm-Olsen, I.M. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3-5.
Bertelsen, R.: Farm mounds of the Harstad area. Quantitative investigations of accumulation characteristics. 7-25.
Bratrein, H.D.: Skjøttebåter og leidangskip i Nord-Norge (Gun boats and leidang ships in Northern Norway). 27-37.
Helskog, K.: The Younger Stone Age settlements in Varanger, North Norway. 39-70.
Mathiesen, P.: The Disappearance of the “Västersjøfinner” from Ringvassøy. Some problems of terminology, methodology and data in the study of Sami history. 71-84.
McGovern, T.H. & Bigelow, G.F.: The archaeozoology of the Norse site Ø 17a Narssaq district, Southwest Greenland. 85-102.
Jahr, E.H.: Language Contact in Northern Norway. Adstratum and substratum in the Norwegian, Sami and Finnish for Northern Norway. 103-112.

Posted in Bertelsen Reidar, Bigelow G.F, Bratrein H.D, Hansen Lars-Ivar, Helskog Knut, Holm-Olsen I.M, Jahr E.H, Mathiesen Per, McGovern T.H, Volume 1 - 1984 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1984): Volume 1(1)