Acta Borealia (1997): Volume 14(2)

Volume 14(2), 1997
Evjen, Bjørg: Measuring heads: physical anthropological research in Norway. 3-30
Westman, Anna: The Sun in Saami mythology. 31-58
Simonsen, Povl: Assebakte tombs and row-hearths. Did the Saami once practice cremation? 59-65

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Acta Borealia (1996): Volume 13(2)

Volume 13(2), 1996
The Editors.: Introduction. 2.11
Anderzén, S.: “The Ways of the Textword” in Church Tradition: Christian Mission Schooling among the Saami in Torne and Kemi Laplands in the 1700s. 3-22.
Simonsen, P.: The Stone Ages of the Tjong Peninsula. 23-52.
Konstantinov, Y.: Field Research of Reindeer-Herding in the Kola Peninsula: Problems and Challenges. 53-68.
Berg, B.A.: Government Intervention into Sámi Reindeer Management in Norway: Has it prevented or provoked “Tragedies of the Commons”? 69-89.
Antilla, S. and E. Torp.: Environment, Adjustment and Private Economic Strategies in Reindeer Pastoralism: Combining Game Theory with Participatory Action Theory. 91-108.
Elgvin, D.T.: Reindeer pastoralism in Southern Norway: A model for Northern Norway? 109-124.
Kuropjatnik, M.: Sergej Sergel and his visit to Finnmark, Norway. 125-134.

Posted in Anderzén Sölve, Anttila Sven, Berg Bård A., Elgvin Dag, Konstantinov Yulian, Kuropjatnik Marina, Simonsen Povl, Torp Eivind, Volume 13 - 1996 | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1996): Volume 13(2)