Volume 24(2), 2007
Svein Atle Skålevåg: Medical Hermeneutics of Murder. Race, Medicine and Law in a Murder Case from Finnmark, 1911. 109-129
Astri Andresen: In the Wake of the Kautokeino Event: Changing Perceptions of Insanity and the Sámi 1852-1965. 130-142
Teemu Ryymin: Civilising the “Uncivilized”: The Fight against Tuberculosis in Northern Norway at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. 143-162
Ann Grubbström: Estonian Swedish Ethnic Survival – Examples from Nuckö in the Interwar Period. 162-175
Abstracting & Indexing
The articles of Acta Borealia are recorded in the Thompson Reuters' Arts and Humanities Citation Index, the Lapponica database of Rovaniemi Public Library and the database of the Scott Polar Research Institute Library, Cambridge.
These databases are part of the NISC-DISC Arctic & Antarctic CD-ROM and the PolarPac CD-ROM from WLN.