Acta Borealia (1998): Volume 15(2)

Volume 15(2), 1998
Hood, Bryan C.: Theory on ice: the discourse of eastern Canadian Arctic Paleoeskimo archaeology. 3-58
Jensen, Jens Fog: Dorset dwellings in West Greenland. 59-80
Olsen, Bjørnar: Saqqaq housing and settlement in southern Disko Bay, West Greenland. 81-128
Andreasen, Tine Nord: Nivertussannguaq – a survey of the faunal remains from a Saqqaq settlement in the Disko Bay area of western Greenland. 129-137
Jensen, Jens Fog & Erik Brinch Petersen: Raw Material Distribution – Social Space, Social Interaction. 139-152
Berglund, Maria Hinnerson: Red sandstone and greenlandic Wool. Two diagnostic artefacts in the interpretation of a newly discovered saeter in southern Greenland. 153-174

Posted in Andreasen Tine Nord, Berglund Maria Hinnerson, Hood B.C., Jensen Jens Fog, Olsen Bjørnar, Petersen Erik Brinch, Volume 15 - 1998 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1998): Volume 15(2)

Acta Borealia (1998): Volume 15(1)

Volume 15(1), 1998
The Editors: Introduction. 3-4
Minde, Henry: Constructing ‘Laestadianism’: A case for Saami survival? 5-26
Aas, Steinar: North Norway – The frontier of the North? 27-42
Anttonen, Marjut: The dilemma of some present-day Norwegians with Finnish-speaking ancestry. 43-58
Morantz, Toby: The Past and the Future of Ethnohistory. 59-77

Posted in Aas Steinar, Anttonen Marjut, Minde Henry, Morantz Toby, Volume 15 - 1998 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1998): Volume 15(1)