Volume 3(2), 1986
Saressalo, L.: From oicotype (ecotype) to the study of ethnotypes. 3-17.
Kvist, R.: Den samiske handel och dess roll som social differentieringsfaktor – Lule lappmark 1760-1860 (Sami trade and its role as a promotor of social differentiation – Lule lappmark 1760-1860). 19-40.
Høgsæt, R.: The Torgar estate. The economic decline of an ancient landowning family of Helgeland in the Late Middle Ages. 41-59.
Jørgensen, R.: The Early Metal Age in Nordland and Troms. 61-87.
Abstracting & Indexing
The articles of Acta Borealia are recorded in the Thompson Reuters' Arts and Humanities Citation Index, the Lapponica database of Rovaniemi Public Library and the database of the Scott Polar Research Institute Library, Cambridge.
These databases are part of the NISC-DISC Arctic & Antarctic CD-ROM and the PolarPac CD-ROM from WLN.