Tag Archives: Canada

Acta Borealia (2015) Volume 32(2)

Volume 32(2)

Bergesen Rognald Heiseldal: Dutch Images of Indigenous Sámi Religion. Jan Luykens Illustrations of Lapland. 103-124.
Lehtola Veli-Pekka: Second World War as a trigger for transcultural changes among Sámi people in Finland. 125 – 147.
Maureira Teresa Miranda and Stenbacka Susanne: Indigenous Tourism and Processes of Resilience – About Communicative Strategies among Tourism Workers in Quebec . 148 – 170.
Vakhtin Nikolai: Indigenous minorities of Siberian and Russian Sociolinguistics of the 1920s: A life apart? 171 – 189.
Hersoug Bjørn, Finstad Bjørn-Petter and Christensen Pål: A system of Norwegian fish sales unions – An anachronism or successful adaptation to modern fisheries? 190 – 204.

Book Reviews.

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Acta Borealia (2010): Volume 27(2)

Volume 27(2), 2010 – Special Issue: History Matter: Dynamics of Arctic Urbanization
Guest Editors: Susanne Dybbroe, Jens Dahl and Ludger Müller-Wille
Editorial. 119
Susanne Dybbroe, Jens Dahl & Ludger Müller-Wille: Dynamics of Arctic Urbanization – Introduction. 120-124
Jens Dahl: Identity, Urbanization and Political Demography in Greenland. 125-140
Ludger Müller-Wille: Precursors of Urban Processes in Finnish Sápmi in the 1960s. 141-150
Edmund (Ned) Searles: Placing Identity: Town, Land and Authenticity in Nunavut, Canada. 151-166
Frank Sejersen: Urbanization, Landscape Appropriation and Climate Change in Greenland. 167-188
Rane Willerslev: ‘Urbanities without a City’: Three Generations of Siberian Yukaghir Women. 189-207
Gitte Tròndheim: Kinship in Greenland – Emotions of Relatedness. 208-221
Bjørn Bjerkli: Landscape and Resistance. The transformation of Common Land from Dwelling Landscape to Political Landscape. 222-237
Obituary – Robert Paine (1926 – 2010). 238

Posted in Bjerkli Bjørn, Dahl Jens, Dybbroe Susanne, Müller-Wille Ludger, Searles Edmund (Ned), Sejersen Frank, Tróndheim Gitte, Volume 27 - 2010, Willerslev Rane | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2010): Volume 27(2)

Acta Borealia (1998): Volume 15(2)

Volume 15(2), 1998
Hood, Bryan C.: Theory on ice: the discourse of eastern Canadian Arctic Paleoeskimo archaeology. 3-58
Jensen, Jens Fog: Dorset dwellings in West Greenland. 59-80
Olsen, Bjørnar: Saqqaq housing and settlement in southern Disko Bay, West Greenland. 81-128
Andreasen, Tine Nord: Nivertussannguaq – a survey of the faunal remains from a Saqqaq settlement in the Disko Bay area of western Greenland. 129-137
Jensen, Jens Fog & Erik Brinch Petersen: Raw Material Distribution – Social Space, Social Interaction. 139-152
Berglund, Maria Hinnerson: Red sandstone and greenlandic Wool. Two diagnostic artefacts in the interpretation of a newly discovered saeter in southern Greenland. 153-174

Posted in Andreasen Tine Nord, Berglund Maria Hinnerson, Hood B.C., Jensen Jens Fog, Olsen Bjørnar, Petersen Erik Brinch, Volume 15 - 1998 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1998): Volume 15(2)

Acta Borealia (1987): Volume 4(1-2)

Volume 4(1-2), 1987
Thuen, T. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3.
I. Changes in Arctic populations in the 80’s: some current issues
Cloutier, L.: Quand le mercure s’élève trop haut à la Baie James. 5-23.
Robitaille, N. & Choinière, R.: The Inuit population of Canada: Present situation, future trends. 25-36.
McNulty, Gerry in collaboration with Marja Magga: Measuring ethnic belonging from within: The case of the Vuotso Saami. 37-42.
II. Population and ethnicity in the past
Rasmussen, H.E.: On socio-genealogies in South West Greenland, 1750-1950. 43-52.
Choinière, R. & Robitaille, N.: The fertility of the Inuit of Northern Québec: A half-century of fluctuations. 53-64.
Thuen, T.: One community – one people? Ethnicity and demography in a North-Norwegian community 1865-1930. 65-83-

III. Life styles and economic prospects for arctic populations
Lyck, L.: A model for estimation of the relation between a nation and a colonial area, applied to the Denmark-Greenland relations. 85-90.
Barre, K. de la: Strategies in northern development in Canada since the late 1960’s. 91-118.
Dorion, H.: Native Toponymy and Territorial Rights. 119-126.
Gagnon, J.A.: Recognition of native rights in Northern Québec: Settlement of comprehensive claims of constitutional protection and economic development. 127-136.
Berliner, P.: Small-scale schooling and national development. Schools in small settlements in Greenland: The impact on the opportunities of adolescents concerning work and/or education. 137-146.
The committee on northern population research/Le comité de recherche sur les populations nordiques. 147.

List of participants. 148.

Posted in Barre K. de la, Berliner P., Choiniere R., Cloutier L., Dorion H., Gagnon J.A., Lyck L., Magga Marja, Mathiesen Per, McNulty Gerry, Rasmussen H.E., Robitaille N., Thuen Trond, Volume 4 - 1987 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1987): Volume 4(1-2)