Tag Archives: Economy

Acta Borealia (2009): Volume 26(2)

Volume 26(2), 2009
Birgitta Berglund: Fugela Federum in Archaeological Perspective – Eider Down as a Trade Commodity in Prehistoric Northern Europe. 110-135
Teija Alenius, Mika Lavento & Matti Saarnisto: Pollen-Analytical Results from Lake Katajajävri – Aspects of the History of Settlement in the Finnish Inland Regions. 136-155
Karl-Dag Vorren: Farm Development in the Malangen Area, Northern Norway – A Pollen-Analytical Case Study. 156-174
Bjørg Evjen: Research on and by “the Other”. Focusing on the Researcher’s Encounter with the Lule Sami in a Historically Changing Context. 175-193
Inga Maria Mulk: Conflicts Over the Repatriation of Sami Cultural Heritage in Sweden. 194-215

Posted in Alenius Teija, Berglund Birgitta, Evjen Bjørg, Lavento Mika, Mulk Inga-Maria, Saarnisto Matti, Volume 26 - 2009, Vorren Karl-Dag | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2009): Volume 26(2)

Acta Borealia (2002): Volume 19(1)

Volume 19(1), 2002
The Editors: Letter from the Editors. 3-4
Yurchenko, Alexei Y.: The Colonization of the Russian Barents Sea Coast (mid 19th to Early 20th Century): Two Approaches to the Economic Development of the Area. 5-26
Immonen, Visa: Functional Ladles or Ceremonial Cutlery? A Cultural Biography of Prehistoric Wooden Spoons from Finland. 27-48
Insulander, Ragnar: The Two-Wood Bow. 49-74
Nielsen, Jens-Petter: The Russia of the Tsar and Northern Norway. “The Russian Danger” Revisited. 75-94

Posted in Immonen Visa, Insulander Ragnar, Nielsen Jens Petter, Volume 19 - 2002, Yurchenko Alexei | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2002): Volume 19(1)

Acta Borealia (2001): Volume 18(1)

Volume 18(1), 2001
Jølle, Harald Dag: The tension between culture and nature. Fridtjof Nansen’s understanding of the Arctic minorities. 3-24
Odner, Knut: Trade, tribute and household responses. The archaeological excavations at Geahcevájnjárga 244 B in the Varangerfjord, Northern Norway. 25-50
Ryymin, Teemu: Creating Kvenness: Identity building among the Arctic Finns in Northern Norway. 53-68
Vilkuna, Janne: Time-bound theories about the origin of the Finns. 69-80
Konstantinov, Yulian: Review Article. 81-86

Posted in Jølle Harald Dag, Konstantinov Yulian, Odner K., Ryymin Teemu, Vilkuna Janne, Volume 18 - 2001 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2001): Volume 18(1)

Acta Borealia (1993): Volume 10(2)

Volume 10(2), 1993
Thuen, T.: Two Epochs of Norwegian-Russian Trade Relations: from Symmetry to Asymmetry. 3-18.
Nielssen, A.R.: Viking Age Chieftains in Lofoten in the Medieval Literature. 19-32.
Niemi, E.: Regionalism in the North: the Creation of ‘North Norway’. 33-46.
Storm, D.: Sámi natural resource exploitation in a markebygd and its significance today? 47-61.

Posted in Nielssen A.R, Niemi Einar, Storm Dikka, Thuen Trond, Volume 10 - 1993 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1993): Volume 10(2)

Acta Borealia (1992): Volume 9(1)

Volume 9(1), 1992
Small, A.: The juniper decline during the Norse landnam in the Faroe islands. 3-7.
Davydov, A.N: The wooden architecture of Archangel during the second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century: Cultural context and historical background. 9-17.
Nielsen, J.P.: The troublesome Rjurik and his house – The Norman question in Soviet historiography under Stalin. 19-37.
Bratrein, H.D.: Capital influx and credit problems in North Norway through history. 39-45.

Posted in Bratrein H.D, Davydov A.N., Nielsen Jens Petter, Small A., Volume 9 - 1992 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1992): Volume 9(1)

Acta Borealia (1989): Volume 6(1)

Volume 6(1), 1989
Holm-Olsen, I.M., Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I. & Mathiesen, P.: From the Editors. 3-4.
Jørgensen, R. & Bertelsen, R.: Archaeological research on Svalbard and the preservation of historical monuments, a resource crisis? 5-9.
Storå, N.: Svalbard – Centre and periphery. 10-20.
Chochorowski, J.: The Hornsund whaling station – exploration and conservation problems. 21- 42.
Albrethsen, S.E.: Archaeological investigations of 17th century whaling on Svalbard. 43-51.
Thuen, T.: “Mixed” decent and ethnogenesis – some comparative considerations of contact situations in the North. 52-71.
Hastrup, K.: Saeters in Iceland 900-1600. An anthropological analysis of economy and cosmology. 72-85.
Aikio, M.: The Kven and cultural linguistic pluralism. 86-97.
Espelund, A.: Comment on the paper “Slag as evidence for early iron production in arctic Norway”, by Kim N. A. Bartolotta et al. Acta Borealia 5(1-2), 1988. 98-99.

Posted in Aikio M., Albrethsen S.E., Bertelsen Reidar, Bratrein H.D, Chochorowski J., Espelund A., Hansen Lars-Ivar, Hastrup K., Holm-Olsen I.M, Jørgensen R., Mathiesen Per, Storå Nils, Thuen Trond, Volume 6 - 1989 | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1989): Volume 6(1)

Acta Borealia (1987): Volume 4(1-2)

Volume 4(1-2), 1987
Thuen, T. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3.
I. Changes in Arctic populations in the 80’s: some current issues
Cloutier, L.: Quand le mercure s’élève trop haut à la Baie James. 5-23.
Robitaille, N. & Choinière, R.: The Inuit population of Canada: Present situation, future trends. 25-36.
McNulty, Gerry in collaboration with Marja Magga: Measuring ethnic belonging from within: The case of the Vuotso Saami. 37-42.
II. Population and ethnicity in the past
Rasmussen, H.E.: On socio-genealogies in South West Greenland, 1750-1950. 43-52.
Choinière, R. & Robitaille, N.: The fertility of the Inuit of Northern Québec: A half-century of fluctuations. 53-64.
Thuen, T.: One community – one people? Ethnicity and demography in a North-Norwegian community 1865-1930. 65-83-

III. Life styles and economic prospects for arctic populations
Lyck, L.: A model for estimation of the relation between a nation and a colonial area, applied to the Denmark-Greenland relations. 85-90.
Barre, K. de la: Strategies in northern development in Canada since the late 1960’s. 91-118.
Dorion, H.: Native Toponymy and Territorial Rights. 119-126.
Gagnon, J.A.: Recognition of native rights in Northern Québec: Settlement of comprehensive claims of constitutional protection and economic development. 127-136.
Berliner, P.: Small-scale schooling and national development. Schools in small settlements in Greenland: The impact on the opportunities of adolescents concerning work and/or education. 137-146.
The committee on northern population research/Le comité de recherche sur les populations nordiques. 147.

List of participants. 148.

Posted in Barre K. de la, Berliner P., Choiniere R., Cloutier L., Dorion H., Gagnon J.A., Lyck L., Magga Marja, Mathiesen Per, McNulty Gerry, Rasmussen H.E., Robitaille N., Thuen Trond, Volume 4 - 1987 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1987): Volume 4(1-2)