Tag Archives: Ethnicity

Acta Borealia (2017) Volume 34(2)

Volume 34(2)

Nordin Jonas M. & Ojala Carl-Gösta: Copper worlds: a historical archaeology of Abraham and Jakob Momma-Reenstierna and their industrial enterprise in the Torne River Valley, c. 1650–1680. 103-133.
Bergman Ingela & Ramqvist Per H.: Farmer-fishermen: interior lake fishing and inter-cultural and intra-cultural relations among coastal and interior Sámi communities in northern Sweden AD 1200–1600. 134-158.
Mankova Petia: Heterogeneity and spontaneity: reindeer races, bureaucratic designs and indigenous transformations at the Festival of the North in Murmansk.  159-177.
Amundsen Hilde Rigmor: Changing histories and ethnicities in a Sámi and Norse borderland. 178-197.

Posted in Amundsen Hilde Rigmor, Bergman Ingela, Mankova Petia, Nordin Jonas M., Ojala Carl-Gösta, Ramqvist Per H., Volume 34 - 2017 | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2017) Volume 34(2)

Acta Borealia (1992): Volume 9(2)

Volume 9(2), 1992
Paine, R.: Social construction of the “Tragedy of the commons” and Saami reindeer pastoralism. 3-20.
Odner, K.: Ethnicity and traditions in Northern Fenno-Scandinavia. “Finns and terfinns” ten years after. 21-36.
Bjørklund, I.: The anatomy of a millennarian movement. Some organizational conditions for the Sami revolt in Guovdageaidnu in 1852. 37-46.
Hansen, L.I.: Just K. Qvigstad’s contributions to the study of Sami culture. 47-68.
Hood, B.C.: Chert sources and distribution patterns in the Stone Age of West Finnmark, North Norway: A preliminary view. 69-84.
Hermanns-Auðardóttir, M.: The beginning of settlement in Iceland from an archaeological point of view. 85-135.

Posted in Bjørklund Ivar, Hansen Lars-Ivar, Hermanns-Auðardóttir M., Hood B.C., Odner K., Paine Robert, Volume 9 - 1992 | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1992): Volume 9(2)

Acta Borealia (1990): Volume 7(1)

Volume 7(1), 1990
Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3-4.
Mathiesen, P.: Ethnicity as pattern: Past and present. 5-13.
Hastrup, Kirsten: Worlds apart. Comprehending each other across time and space. 14-24.
Thuen, T.: Recollections of the past and categories of the present: A comment on the relationship of memory and social structure. 25-39.
Steinlien, Ø.: The concept of “native” anthropology: Fieldwork among Læstadians. 40-46.
Bertelsen, R.: Towards a self-reflecting archaeology: Vágar, Vågan and Reidar. 47-58.
Birketvedt, B.F.: “There are only realities built in the mind.” The anthropological challenge of translating visual experience in the arts. 59-67.
Meløe, J.: The two landscapes of Northern Norway. 68-80.

Posted in Bertelsen Reidar, Birketvedt B.F., Hastrup K., Mathiesen Per, Meløe J., Steinlien Øystein, Thuen Trond, Volume 7 - 1990 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1990): Volume 7(1)