Tag Archives: Harstad

Acta Borealia (1984): Volume 1(1)

Volume 1(1), 1984
Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I., Holm-Olsen, I.M. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 3-5.
Bertelsen, R.: Farm mounds of the Harstad area. Quantitative investigations of accumulation characteristics. 7-25.
Bratrein, H.D.: Skjøttebåter og leidangskip i Nord-Norge (Gun boats and leidang ships in Northern Norway). 27-37.
Helskog, K.: The Younger Stone Age settlements in Varanger, North Norway. 39-70.
Mathiesen, P.: The Disappearance of the “Västersjøfinner” from Ringvassøy. Some problems of terminology, methodology and data in the study of Sami history. 71-84.
McGovern, T.H. & Bigelow, G.F.: The archaeozoology of the Norse site Ø 17a Narssaq district, Southwest Greenland. 85-102.
Jahr, E.H.: Language Contact in Northern Norway. Adstratum and substratum in the Norwegian, Sami and Finnish for Northern Norway. 103-112.

Posted in Bertelsen Reidar, Bigelow G.F, Bratrein H.D, Hansen Lars-Ivar, Helskog Knut, Holm-Olsen I.M, Jahr E.H, Mathiesen Per, McGovern T.H, Volume 1 - 1984 | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1984): Volume 1(1)