Tag Archives: Landscape

Acta Borealia (2011): Volume 28(2)

Volume 28(2), 2011

Gísli Pálsson & Sigurður Örn Guðbjörnsson: Make no Bones about it: The invention of Homo Islandicus. 119-141
Loftur Guttormsson: Population, Household and Fisheries in the Parish of Hvalsnes, Southwestern Island, 1750-1850.  142-166
Pavel V. Fedorov: The European Far North of Russia and its Territorial Constructions in the Sixteenth-Twenty-First Centuries. 167-182
Tuija Hautala-Hirvioja: Frontier Landscape – Lapland in the Tradition of Finnish Landscape Painting. 183-202
Ingebjørg Hage: Historical Vernacular Gardens beyond Norway’s Arctic Circle. 203-227
Gro B. Ween & Jan Åge Riseth: Doing is Learning: Analysis of an Unsuccessful attempt to adapt TEK/IK Methodology to Norwegian Sámi Circumstances. 228-242

Posted in Fedorov Pavel, Guðbjörnsson Sigurður Örn, Guttormsson Loftur, Hage Ingebjørg, Hautala-Hirvioja Tuija, Pálsson Gísli, Riseth Jan Åge, Volume 28 - 2011, Ween Gro B. | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2011): Volume 28(2)