Tag Archives: Lofoten

Acta Borealia (1988): Volume 5(1-2)

Volume 5(1-2), 1988
Holm-Olsen, I.M., Bratrein, H.D., Hansen L.I. & Mathiesen, P.: A letter from the editors. 3-4.
Larson, K.: Ethnopolitics and research ethics for non-native researcher. 5-21.
Bartoletta, K., Bush, P.J., Fountain, J.C., Wellspeak, D., Zubrow, E., Allen, K. & Pelcin, E.: Slag as evidence for Early Iron production in Arctic Norway. 22-33.
Chochorowski, J. & Jasinski, M.E.: The structure of the Pomor settlement complex on the Schønningholmane site (Hornsund, West Spitsbergen) – archaeological data. 34-49.
Chochorowski, J. & Jasinski, M.E.: Traces of Pomor nautical penetration on the coast of North-Western Sørkappland, West Spitsbergen. 50-69.
Zachrisson, I.: The so-called Scandinavian cultural boundary in Northern Sweden in Viking times – Ethnic or socio-economic? 70-97.
Bertelsen, R. & Urbanczyk, P.: Vågan in Lofoten. Northern perspectives on urbanism. 98-110.
Schrader, T.A.: Pomor trade with Norway. 111-118.

Posted in Allen K., Bartoletta K., Bertelsen Reidar, Bratrein H.D, Bush B.J., Chochorowski J., Fountain J.C., Hansen Lars-Ivar, Jasinski M.E., Larson K., Mathiesen Per, Pelcin E., Schrader T.A., Urbanczyk P., Volume 5 - 1988, Wellspeak D., Zachrisson I., Zubrow E. | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1988): Volume 5(1-2)