Tag Archives: Security policy

Acta Borealia (2003): Volume 20(1)

Volume 20(1), 2003
Olsen, Kjell: The Touristic Construction of the “Emblematic” Sámi. 3-20
Taavitsainen, Jussi-Pekka: Lapp Cairns as a Source on Metal Period Settlement in the Inland Regions of Finland. 21-48
Hønneland, Geir: Industrial Pollution Discourse in the European Arctic. 49-74
Fagertun, Fredrik: Threats and Threat Scenarios in the North during the Cold War. 75-90

Posted in Fagertun Fredrik, Hønneland Geir, Olsen Kjell, Taavitsainen Jussi-Pekka, Volume 20 - 2003 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (2003): Volume 20(1)

Acta Borealia (1999): Volume 16(2)

Volume 16(2), 1999
Hukkinen, Janne: Introduction: Acta Borealia Special Issue on Research at the Arctic Centre. 3-6
Helander, Elina: Sami subsistence activities – Spatial aspects and structuration. 7-26
Huttunen, Arja: Effectiveness of Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment Process. 27-42
Müller-Wille, Ludger and Hukkinen, Janne: Human-Environmental Interactions in Upper Lapland, Finland: Development of Participatory Research Strategies. 43-62
Langlais, Richard: Total security as threat: The blurring of hard and soft security in Northern Europe. 63-78

Posted in Helander Elina, Hukkinen Janne, Huttunen Arja, Langlais Richard, Müller-Wille Ludger, Volume 16 - 1999 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1999): Volume 16(2)