Tag Archives: Troms

Acta Borealia (1991): Volume 8(2)

Volume 8(2), 1991
Skjelbred, A.H.B.: The meaning of folklore. 3-12.
Hansen, L.I. & Meyer,T.: The ethnic classification in the late 19th-century censuses. A case-study from southern Troms, Norway. 13-56.
Makarov, N.A.: “Eastern” ornaments of the 11th-13th centuries in the Sami areas: Origins and routes. 57-80.

Posted in Hansen Lars-Ivar, Makarov N.A., Meyer T., Skjelbred A.H.B, Volume 8 - 1991 | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1991): Volume 8(2)

Acta Borealia (1986): Volume 3(2)

Volume 3(2), 1986
Saressalo, L.: From oicotype (ecotype) to the study of ethnotypes. 3-17.
Kvist, R.: Den samiske handel och dess roll som social differentieringsfaktor – Lule lappmark 1760-1860 (Sami trade and its role as a promotor of social differentiation – Lule lappmark 1760-1860). 19-40.
Høgsæt, R.: The Torgar estate. The economic decline of an ancient landowning family of Helgeland in the Late Middle Ages. 41-59.
Jørgensen, R.: The Early Metal Age in Nordland and Troms. 61-87.

Posted in Høgsæt R., Jørgensen R., Kvist R., Saressalo L., Volume 3 - 1986 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1986): Volume 3(2)

Acta Borealia (1986): Volume 3(1)

Volume 3(1), 1986
Jernsletten, R.: The Land Sales Act of 1902 as means of Norwegianization. 3-20.
Nielsen, A.R.: Economic adaption among the Coast Sami population in Finnmark c. 1700. 21-41.
Storli, I.: A review of archaeological research on Sami prehistory. 43-63.
Holm-Olsen, I.M.: Settlement studies and the archaeological survey of North Norway. A discussion based on the survey of North Troms. 65-85.

Posted in Holm-Olsen I.M, Jernsletten R., Nielssen A.R, Storli Inger, Volume 3 - 1986 | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1986): Volume 3(1)

Acta Borealia (1985): Volume 2(1-2)

Volume 2(1-2), 1985
Proceedings of the Guovdageaidnu (Kautokeino) seminar on “minority research from the point of view of the humanities and social sciences”

Bratrein, H.D., Hansen, L.I., Holm-Olsen, I.M. & Mathiesen, P.: Introduction. 2.
Mathiesen, P.: Comments on the Guovdageaidnu seminar. 3-8.
Hansen, L.I.: Sami title to land in Southern Troms, Norway – Approach, method and data in reconstructing Sami rights of the past. 9-28.
Thuen, T.: Acculturation and ethnic survival? 29-45.
Bjørklund, I.: Local history in multi-ethnic context – the case of Kvænangen, Northern Norway. Some remarks on the relationship between history and social anthropology. 47-56.
Drivenes, E-A.: Do social scientists and historians write the same minority histories? 57-66.
Gjerde, A.: Den etno-politiske betydning av lokalhistorisk kunnskap i et lokalsamfunn (Ethno-political impact of historical knowledge in a local community). 67-70.
Magga, O.H.: Språkforskning og språkplanlegging i det samiske samfunnet (Linguistics and language planning in the Sami community). 71-79.
Sara, A.N.: Perspektiver for forskningen ved Nordisk Samisk Institutt. (The Sami Institute in a research perspective). 81-85.
Hoëm, A.: Sami Instituhtta i forskningssamfunnet (The Sami Institute and the community of science). 87-91.

Posted in Bjørklund Ivar, Bratrein H.D, Drivenes Einar-Arne, Gjerde A., Hansen Lars-Ivar, Hoëm Asbjørn, Holm-Olsen I.M, Magga Ole-Henrik, Mathiesen Per, Sara A.N, Thuen Trond, Volume 2 - 1985 | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Acta Borealia (1985): Volume 2(1-2)