
Welcome to the web pages of the project «Pure Mathematics in Norway», which is a part of the Mathematics Programme of the Bergen Research Foundation (Bergens forskningsstiftelse, BFS) with the collaboration of the Tromsø Research Foundation (Tromsø forskningsstiftelse, TFS).

The project, which runs for four years from 1 May 2018 with a possible extension of two more years, involves the mathematics departments at the University of Bergen (UiB), the University of Oslo (UiO), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and the University of Tromsø — The Arctic University of Norway (UiT).

The main aim of the project is to strengthen research in pure mathematics in Norway, by contributing to national and international research collaboration, mobility of researchers and Ph.D. students, and training of Ph.D and master students.

Further details about the project can be found in the project plan.

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