Johan Turi, ipmirdeapmi ja ipmirdeami rájit
Nils Oskal (Sámi allaskuvla)
Viečča artihkkala dás (pdf).
Johan Turi, understanding and the limits of understanding
In his book, Johan Turi expresses confidence that the Swedish political authorities have the capability to understand the situation of Sami. Accordingly, he expresses an understanding of the Swedish government’s constrained scope of opportunities to redress past wrongs and injustices committed against the Sami. Turi has a specific understanding of the internal relations between the rationality of understanding, explication and the conditions of validity.
The articulation is carried out via a detour via a similar discussion between Gadamer, Derrida and Habermas on the conditions of understanding, faithbased trust and the limits of understanding. The article concludes with an interpretation of Turi’s own concerns about the limits of understanding.