Guovtti sámegiela gaskkas? Gielladutkiid ja hubmiid iežaset oainnut Jiellevári ja Unna tjerutja suopmaniidda
Helena Omma (Sámi allaskuvla – Sámi University of Applied Sciences)
Viečča artihkkala: Guovtti sámegiela gaskkas? Gielladutkiid ja hubmiid iežaset oainnut Jiellevári ja Unna tjerutja suopmaniidda (pdf).
Jiellevári sámegiela leat sámegieldutkit iešguđet ládje kategoriseren áiggiid čađa, sihke julevsámegiellan ja davvisámegiellan. Dán artihkkalis guorahalan oppalaččat Jiellevári sámegielsuopmana dutkanhistorjjá, ja earenomážit dálá Unna tjerutja hubmiid oainnu iežaset gillii. Mon iskkan ahte oaivvildit go Unna tjerutja olbmot iežaset hupmat julevsámegiela, go sámegiela dutkama jelgii lea Unna tjerusj julevsámegielat guovlu. Jearahallamiid vuođul lean guorahallan, mo olbmot Unna tjerutjis jurddahit iežaset gielalaš gullevašvuođa birra. Álbmotlingvistihka geahččanguovlluin ákkastalan ahte maiddái hubmiid oainnut leat relevánttat gielladutkamis. Bohtosat vuosehit ahte Unna tjerutja olbmot eai ane iežaset julevsámegielagin eai ge julevsápmin. Sii geavahit sihke lingvisttalaš ja ekstralingvisttalaš ákkaid go definerejit iežaset gielalaš gullevašvuođa. Dát mearkkaša ahte dán guovllu olbmuid oaidnu ja sámegieldutkiid oaidnu Unna tjerutja suopmanii mannet vuostálaga.
Fáddásánit: giellarádji, suopmanrádji, álbmotlingvistihkka, Jiellevárri, julevsámegiella, gáidumsámegiella, Unna tjerusj
In between two Saami languages? Linguists’ and speakers’ views on the dialects of Jiellevárri and Unna tjerusj
Linguists have, at various different times, categorized the variety of Saami spoken in Jiellevárri as both Lule Saami and North Saami. In this article, I examine the research history in general and how it presents different categorizations of Jiellevárri Saami, and more specifically, the question of how members of the Unna tjerusj community view their own language and identity. I ask if the members of Unna tjerusj consider themselves Lule Saami speakers, since, according to Saami language research, the area belongs to the Lule Saami speaking region. I have, through interviews, gathered and analyzed Unna tjerusj members’ views on their own linguistic identity. I argue, from a folk linguistic perspective, that it is also important to include the views of the speakers themselves in language research. My case study shows that members of the Unna tjerusj community do not consider themselves as Lule Saami speakers, nor indeed as Lule Saami. They use both linguistic and extra linguistic arguments when defining their linguistic identity. This implies that the views of the speakers themselves and those of the researchers are contradictory with regard to the variety of Saami spoken in Unna tjerusj.
Keywords: language boundary, dialect boundary, folk linguistics, Jiellevárri, Lule Saami, Gáidum Saami dialect, Unna tjerusj