SDÁ 2-2012: Nils Øivind Helander

Norgga beale oahppoplána doaibmi guovttegielatvuohta – mo dan meroštallat?

Nils Øivind Helander (Sámi allaskuvla)

Viečča artihkkala dás (pdf).

Norgga beale oahppoplánaid mielde oahpahusa gielalaš ulbmil lea dahkat ohppiid doaibmi guovttegielagin. Artihkkalis guorahallojuvvo mo doaibmi guovttegielatvuođa sáhttá meroštallat. Skuvlla giellaoahpahusa vuođđun lea normerejuvvon giella, mii geavahuvvo oahppogirjjiin. Dákkár normatiiva oainnu mielde guovttegielat olbmo giellamáhttu dábálaččat buohtastahttojuvvo ovttagielat olbmo giellamáhtuin ja danin guovttegielasteapmi dahje kodamolsun dábálaččat ii adnojuvvo vuogas giellageavaheapmin. Artihkkalis guorahallojuvvo maiddái mo guovttegielat olbmo giellamáhttui gullá heivvolaš gulahallandilálašvuođas sáhttit guovttegielastit. Loahpas gieđahallojuvvo vel matematihkkaoahpahusa giella, man birra ságastallojuvvo dávjá sihke skuvllas ja maiddái mediain.


Functional bilingualism

According to the Sámi curriculum plan in Norway, the aim is that Sámi students should become functionally bilingual by the time they finish school. They are then supposed to be sufficiently competent in Sámi and Norwegian to be able to function in both Sámi and Norwegian society as well as being able to interpret between the two languages. According to the plan for English, students are expected to become largely multilingual. In this paper, I discuss the concept of functional bilingualism as it appears in the curriculum plan based on views presented in current bilingual research. The starting point is what is said and what is not said about the concept of functional bilingualism in the subject plans for both the Sámi and Norwegian languages. Aspects of language use are restricted to a discussion of form and function when communicating content and attitudes. I also discuss the relationship between normative and descriptive approaches to language in education, within the framework of which I shall also discuss both code switching and language mixing. The concept of proper language use based on the ideal of a fluent monolingual language competence and performance does not seem to leave room for bilingual students’ whole repertoire of language skills. In the last part of my paper I also discuss the use of Sámi as the medium of instruction in mathematics from a bilingual point of view.