SDÁ 2-2014: Johanna Johansen Ijäs

Bohccobiergu ja niesteboazuskinke – giellaoččodeaddji máná goallossubstantiivvat

Johanna Johansen Ijäs (Sámi allaskuvla)

Viečča artihkkala dás (pdf).

Artihkal guorahallá ovtta vuollel golmmajahkásaš máná goallossubstantiivvaid morfologalaš ráhkadusa. Vuosttaš goallossánit leat registrerejuvvon ovda- ja árramorfologiija gaskasaš sirdásanmuttus go mánná lei jagi ja ovcci mánu boaris, ja morfologalaččat dábálaččamus goallossubstantiivatiippat ihtet máná gillii vuollel bealgoalmmátjahkásažžan. Buot goallossubstantiivvat leat vuollálasti sánit. Eanas dain leat endosentralaččat, muhto soames eksosentralaš sánit leat maid registrerejuvvon. Mearusoassin lea dábálaččat ovttaleksemat substantiiva, muhto mearusoassi sáhttá maid leat ráhkaduvvon guovtti substantiivvas, dahje dat sáhttá leat jogo ovttaleksemat advearba, adjektiiva dahje eará giela sátni. Mearusoassi lea eanas sániin ovttaidlogu nominatiivvas, muhtun sániid mearusoassin lea ovttaid- dahje máŋggaidlogu genetiivahápmi. Mearusoassetiippaid dávjodat mánnái hubmojuvvon gielas korrelere goallossátnetiippaid ihtinortnegiin ja dainna man ollu guđege goallossátnetiippa sánit adnojuvvojit.

Fáddásánit: giellaoččodeapmi, morfologiija, sátneráhkadeapmi, goallosteapmi, goallossubstantiiva, davvisámegiella


Noun compounds in North Saami language acquisition

This article deals with compound nouns in one North Saami-speaking child under the age of three. The first compounds were recorded at age 1 year 9 months, i.e. during the transitional phase between pre- and protomorphology. The most common morphological types of compound nouns appeared in the child’s language before age 2 years 6 months. They are all subordinate compounds. Most are endocentric, but some exocentric words were also noted. The non-head is usually a noun consisting of one lexeme, but the non-head may itself also be a compound made up of two nouns. In some cases, the non-head may be an adverb, an adjective or a word from a language other than Saami. The non-head is usually in the nominative singular. In a few words, however, the non-head is genitive singular or plural. The frequency of various non-heads in child-directed speech corresponds with the order of appearance of different types of compounds in the child’s language. This also correlates well with the amount of different types of compound words used by the child.

Keywords: language acquisition, morphology, word formation, compound, compound noun, North Saami