Sámekultuvrra mearkkašumit duoji brándahuksemis
Sigga-Marja Magga (Oulu universitehta)
Viečča artihkkala: Sámekultuvrra mearkkašumit duoji brándahuksemis (pdf).
Artihkal guorahallá, mo duodjefitnodagat huksejit bránddaideaset ja mo bránddat oassálastet sámekultuvrralaš ságastallamiidda. Kultuvrralaš dovdamuš hukse bistevaš fitnodatdoaimma, mainna jođiha gálvvu buorebut sihke ruđalaččat ja ehtalaččat. Vuolggasadjin lea kultuvrralaš brándateoriija. Dán guorahallama vuođđun leat golbma duodjefitnodaga jearahallama. Jearahallamat leat brándagenealogiija metoda mielde analyserejuvvon, nugo fitnodaga historjá, sosiála ja kultuvrralaš birrasat, mat leat brándahuksema vuođut. Dutkamušas boahtá ovdan, ahte kultuvrralaš duodjebránddat leat aktiiva doaibmit sámeservodagas. Dat speadjalastet gávppálašvuođa bokte duoji árvvuid, nugo duddjondáiddu ja luondduoktavuođa árvvuid, muhto maiddái oktagaslašvuođa ja dásseárvvu ideologaid. Dát brándadutkamuš váldá maiddái vuhtii sámekultuvrra rašes beliid, maidda bránddat eai njuolga háliit čujuhit.
Fáddásánit: bránda, brándahuksen, brándagenealogiija, duodji, duodjegávppit, kultuvrralaš duodjebránda, sámekultuvra
The meaning of Sámi culture in brand building of duodji
This article deals with the concepts of brand and brand building in Sámi duodji i.e. arts and crafts. A brand captures the main idea and value of an enterprise. These values are transformed into a commodity in the process of brand building. In this study, three Sámi craft enterprises connect their brand building with the cultural and social changes that the Sámi people have experienced. The historical, social and political circumstances of the enterprises are identified, analyzed and finally compressed into representative and symbolic brands: the luxury brand, the prêt à porter brand and the brand of democratic design. The luxury brand presents the meaning of traditional duodji, Sámi handicraft, formulated by the Sámi ethnopolitical movement. The prêt à porter brand represents the easy way of doing Sámi culture, and the brand of democratic design relates to the building of the Scandinavian welfare state. The brand of democratic design is democratic because everyone has an equal opportunity to consume design products.
The main findings appear on two levels: cultural and commercial. Brands are strongly connected to the Sámi culture. Brand building requires enterprises to master indigenous cultural norms and values in order to communicate with customers. Cultural branding research opens new venues for cultural studies and facilitates study of the commercial part of Sámi culture from the Sámi point of view.
Keywords: brand, brand genealogy, cultural brand building, duodji, Sámi arts and crafts, Sámi culture, Sámi enterprise