SDÁ 2021: Ravdna Biret Marja E. Sara ja Inger Marie Gaup Eira

Ađđamiin vai jolážiin – boazosápmelaččaid bohccobiergokvalitehta árvvoštallan

Ravdna Biret Marja E. Sara (Sámi allaskuvla)
Inger Marie Gaup Eira (Sámi allaskuvla)

Viečča artihkkala: Ađđamiin vai jolážiin – boazosápmelaččaid bohccobiergokvalitehta árvvoštallan (pdf).

Dás guorahalle máhttovuogádagaid ja doahpagiid mat gullet niestebohccui, nu movt Guovdageainnu vuorrasit boazosápmelaččat leat čilgen munnuide birgen- ja báikevuođu ságastallamiin ja maid letne viežžan čálalaš gálduin. 42 doahpaga analysa čájeha bohccobiergomáhttovuođu ja fágagiela. Muhtun doahpagat leat vuođđodoahpagat, dego buoidi, ađđamiin ja jolážiin, go boazosápmelaččat čilgejit bohccobierggu kvalitehta. Buoidi-sátni, mii lea badjel 2000 jagi boaris, vuođđuda Guovdageainnu  boazosápmelaččaid bohccobiergokvalitehta árbevirolaš árvvoštallama. Boazodoalu máhttovuođus ja ipmárdusvuođus lea ollislaš ipmárdus, mii lea vuolggasadji árvvoštallat bohccobiergokvalitehta árbevirolaččat. Árvvoštallan álgá juo dievás geahčadettiin ealu ja bistá gitta dassážii go biergu šaddá biebmun ja olle njálbmái. Bohccobiergokvalitehta árvvoštallamis lea dárkilis ja systemáhtalaš máhttu ja diehtu, mii ovdanbukto máhttovuogádagaid ja doahpagiid čađa, boazodoalu fágagiela vehkiin. Dása gullet bohccobierggu kvalitehtadásit, buoidehivvodagat ja -mihtideamit ja buoiddi
árvvoštallandásit golmma dimenšuvnnas; ealli boazu, bohcco gorut ja bohccobiergu biebmun. Boazosápmelaččaid bohccobiergokvalitehta árvvoštallama máhttovuogádaga, mas lea guhkesáiggi kontinuitehta ja geavaheapmi, sáhttá geavahit fuomášuhttit movt árbevirolaččat bohccobiergokvalitehta árvvoštallojuvvo ja nu buktit ođđa dieđuid almmolašvuođa digaštallamiidda.

Fáddásánit: boazodoallu, bohccobiergokvalitehta, buoidi, máhttovuogádat, fágagiella

Ađđamiin or jolážiin – Sámi reindeer herders assessment
of reindeer meat quality

This study is based on knowledge systems and concepts about reindeer as food conducted from discussions with North Sámi elder reindeer herders in Guovdageaidnu,  supplemented by written sources. 42 concepts were analyzed that represent the knowledge base and technical language of reindeer meat. Some key concepts are buoidi, ađđamiin and jolážiin, which reindeer herders use in the assessment process for reindeer meat quality. The word buoidi is over 2000 years old and is the foundation for Sámi reindeer herders’ reindeer meat quality assessment in Guovdageaidnu. The reindeer herder’s knowledge base and foundation of understanding has a holistic approach for assessment of reindeer meat quality. It starts already on the tundra assessing the herd and lasts until the meat is prepared and eaten. In the assessment of reindeer meat quality, there is an advanced and systematic knowledge system of meat quality, fat degree, fat content and fat extent that is articulated with the reindeer herder’s technical language through concepts in three dimensions: the live reindeer, carcass, and food. The assessment of reindeer meat quality has a long history of continuous use. The knowledge system can be used to raise awareness in other disciplines about how reindeer meat quality is traditionally assessed, and thus can bring new knowledge to public use and debate.

Keywords: reindeer herding, reindeer meat quality, fat, traditional knowledge system, technical language