Lubmen- ja mannenpráksisat Porsáŋggus – mo mearrasámi guovllu olbmot dádjadit iežaset birrasiin
Steinar Nilsen (Mearrasiida)
Solveig Joks (Sámi allaskuvla)
Svanhild Andersen (Mearrasiida)
Viečča artihkkala: Lubmen- ja mannenpráksisat Porsáŋggus – mo mearrasámi guovllu olbmot dádjadit iežaset birrasiin (pdf).
Luome- ja mannečoaggin Sámi mearraguovlluin lea leamaš áiggiid čađa dehálaš birgejupmi, nugo ollu eará sajiin ge. Olbmot leat maid vuovdán luopmániid, ja nu leat beassan oastit eará dárbbašlaš biepmuid ja biergasiid dállui. Dál ii leat ruđa dáfus šat seamma mearkkašupmi lubmemis, muhto lea dattetge máŋgasiidda árvvus adnojuvvon práksis mii bisuha árbevieruid ja árvvuid.
Dán artihkkalis mii jearrat mo árbevirolaš máhtut ja árvvut bohtet ovdan manne- ja luomečoagginpráksisiin mearrasámi guovllus Porsáŋggus. Dasa lassin mii jearrat mo dát práksisat leat láidesteaddjin olbmuide dádjadit luomemehciin ja mannesulluin. Dieđut gažaldagaide leat čohkkejuvvon jearahallamiid ja čálliid oassálastima bokte luome- ja mannečoaggimis. Báikki olbmot čuvvot mielde mii sin birrasis dáhpáhuvvá, ja mo sii vásihit rievdamiid ja rievdadusaid jagis jahkái. Lunddolaš rievdamat leat heajos jagit, garra biekkat, goikkádagat dahje arvvit. Sivvan eará rievdadusaide sáhttá leat váilevaš hálddašeapmi dahje ahte hálddašeapmi ii leat lihkostuvvan. Luome- ja mannečoakkedettiin sii ovdanbuktet árvvuid ja máhtuid, ja seammás gozihit iežaset guovlluid.
Fáddásánit: luomečoaggin, mannečoaggin, mearrasápmi, árbevirolaš máhtut, árvvut
Cloudberry and egg gathering practices in Porsanger – how Sámi people find their way in their own environment
Gathering cloudberries and eggs has been important for subsistence among Sámis in coastal and many other areas throughout the ages. People have sold cloudberries and used the money to buy food or other supplies for their households. This income is no longer as important today as before, but cloudberry picking is still a valued practice for many. The activities of cloudberry and egg gathering play an important role in preserving traditions and values. In this article, we ask how traditional knowledge and values are enacted in egg and cloudberry gathering practices in coastal Sámi areas in Porsanger in Norway. In addition, we ask how these practices guide people’s actions on the land and on the islands when gathering eggs and berries.
In order to answer our research questions, we have gathered information through interviews and through the authors’ participation in the gathering of eggs and cloudberries. People pay attention to what is happening in their environment, and how it changes from year to year. Some of the changes are natural changes, such as those caused by wind, drought, or rain in bad years. Other changes are caused by failure or lack of management. When people are collecting eggs and cloudberries, their values and knowledge are made manifest, and at the same time they are engaged in monitoring and preserving their areas.
Keywords: cloudberry picking, egg gathering, coastal Sápmi, traditional knowledge,