Welcome to the website of Arctic Geology!
“Arctic Geology” is a thematic network within the University of the Arctic.
It is a research and educational collaboration between different universities from Arctic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Iceland, Greenland and Canada) focusing mainly on minerals and hydrocarbure ressources in the Arctic.
Overall Goal
During recent years, prospecting for mineral and hydrocarbon resources has been significantly focused towards arctic regions. Studies of geological resources in the arctic of North America, Greenland, and the arctic parts of Europe and Asia share many of the same challenges, and researchers working in these regions should benefit from cooperation and shearing knowledge through the suggested network. Common for all regions of the Arctic, is that exploitation of mineral and hydrocarbon resources has significant environmental, economic and cultural impact on Indigenous people living in the region. Many of the students that are educated through the suggested network will later be involved in exploitation of geological resources in the Arctic, and we consider it as important that they through their studies are introduced to Indigenous issues.
Main Activities
- Workshops at partner’s universities
- Exchange of students, researchers and teachers
- Joint proposals for external research funding
- Common courses and joint educational programs
- Development of shared learning materials
- Access to laboratory facilities
You will find into the different pages of this website informations about the thematic network itself, but also its activities and projects developed in collaboration with colleagues from UArctic members and non members.