The Arctic Green Computing (AGC) research group aims at addressing energy efficiency, system complexity and dependability across mobile, embedded and data-center systems. Energy efficiency is turning into a major criterion for sustainable computing systems and services over the data deluge. Energy-efficient computing benefits not only the traditional market segments but also emerging market segments such as the cyber-physical enabled world, where billions of intelligent embedded devices will connect with HPC systems and with each other, without human intervention. More energy-efficient and dependable cyber-physical systems (CPS) will increase the deployment of CPS as intelligent components in other market segments such as energy, healthcare, smart communities and transportation, and will have a significant impact on the economics, society and environment.

The AGC group has conducted high-quality basic and applied research on sustainable technologies and optimization for the compute continuum, across cyber-physical systems (CPS), distributed artificial intelligence (AI), and high-performance computing (HPC), from the data center to the edge devices. At the international level, the AGC group has been a co-PI of the new EU Horizon project MISO (2023-2026) , developing sustainable smart CPS technologies in hard-to-reach areas with extreme conditions (e.g., Arctic and wetlands) to tackle climate change (e.g., detecting and quantifying greenhouse gasses). The AGC group has been a co-PI of the EEA project HAPADS (2020-2024) , developing efficient CPS and low-cost smart sensor technologies for smart cities to tackle the air pollution challenge. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), air pollution places 99% of the global population at risk of developing various diseases and causes 6.7 million deaths each year. The AGC group was a co-PI of the EU project EXCESS (2013-2016), developing energy-efficient technologies for supercomputers in datacenters. The AGC group participates as PhD advisor in the EU Horizon MSCA-DN project TENORS (2024-2027) on tensor optimization for storage integration. The AGC group has been a member of the EU H2020 ICT project TAILOR – Network of Research Excellence Centres for Foundations of Trustworthy AI (2020-2024) , and EU project HiPEAC – Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (2015-now) .

At the national level, the AGC group has been the PI of RCN FRIPRO project PREAPP (2014-2019) developing efficient software technologies for supercomputers, the PI of RCN Industrial PhD project OptiBESS-HUB (2022-2024) optimizing power-grid operations and planning, a co-PI of RCN Research Infrastructure project eX3 (2017-2026) developing experimental infrastructure for exploitation of exascale computing, and a co-PI of RCN IKTPLUSS project DAO (2017-2024) developing energy-efficient CPS technologies for ubiquitous data and services covering the Arctic Tundra.

At the university level, the AGC group has been a founding member of the Arctic Center for Sustainable Energy starting in 2017 and the Aurora Center MASCOT for Mathematical Structures in Computation (2021-2024) .

AGC impact case on sustainability
