Call for postdoc applicants interested in MSCA individual fellowship on green ICT, UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
Call for postdoc applicants interested in MSCA individual fellowship on Green ICT
Application deadline: March 11, 2016
UiT The Arctic University of Norway has set up the «The Arctic MSCA-IF program» to select excellent young researchers planning to submit applications for a Marie Skłodowska Curie individual fellowship (MSCA-IF) in order to pursue a research career ( We are looking forward to applications from promising young researchers within the field of green Information and Communication Technologies (green ICT) who have already published at least one manuscript as first author in a peer-reviewed journal. The candidate will be given the opportunity to write an application for a 24-month MSCA individual fellowship at UiT together with supervisor Phuong Ha. This is a possibility to accelerate your research career while living in the urban research city Tromsø, uniquely located on top of the world surrounded by some of Europe’s last pristine wild nature.
This call is one of 31 from pre-selected supervisors at UiT through the “Arctic MSCA-IF program” ( Successful candidates will be invited to Tromsø (travel and accommodation expenses covered) for a two-days MSCA-IF symposium on June 1-2, 2016. The candidates present their past research achievements, discuss future plans with their potential supervisor and learn how to write a successful MSCA-IF application. Together with the supervisor, the selected candidates start developing their MSCA-IF application towards the MSCA-IF deadline on September 14th 2016.
In this call we search for talented, young researchers within the field of green ICT:
The research on green ICT at UiT aims at addressing energy efficiency, system complexity and dependability across embedded and high-performance computing (HPC) components in cyber-physical systems. Energy efficiency is turning into a major criterion for sustainable computing systems and services over the data deluge. Although the energy consumption of worldwide computing systems increases at a compound annual growth rate of 7% and it reached 910 TWh in 2012 (i.e. seven times as much as the energy consumption of Norway in 2012), it is possible to achieve two orders of magnitude improvement in energy efficiency for computing systems. Energy efficient computing benefits not only the traditional market segments, but also emerging market segments such as the cyber-physical enabled world, where billions of intelligent embedded devices will connect with HPC systems and with each other, without human intervention. More energy-efficient and dependable cyber-physical systems (CPS) will increase the deployment of CPS in other market segments such as energy, healthcare, smart communities and transportation, and will have significant impact on the economics, society and environment.
Our current research interests include fundamental technologies for developing energy-efficient, dependable and scalable computing systems. We develop holistic cross-disciplinary approaches to energy optimization and security enhancement. The new approaches consider and integrate multiple disciplines (hardware, middleware and software), forming foundations for a new energy-efficient dependable computing paradigm. Our research has been funded by European Commission and the Research Council of Norway. We are a work-package leader in EU FP7 ICT project EXCESS on energy-efficient computing systems (2013 – 2016) and the project leader of project PREAPP on programming productivity and energy efficiency (2014 – 2018) funded by prestigious funding scheme FRIPRO Young Research Talents of the Research Council of Norway. We are a full member of EU network of excellence HiPEAC on high performance and embedded architecture and compilation.
Please send your CV and research plan (max 2 pages) to within March 11 2016.
Nr of positions available : 1
Research Fields
Computer science – Computer systems
Career Stage
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)
Research Profiles
Established Researcher (R3)
Comment/web site for additional job details