Arctic Optica Projects

Educational Optics Kit

Laser light coupled into a glass rod.

An optics kit that can be used to explain various optics phenomena to children. The kit contains lenses, lasers, prisms, optical fibers, etc.

Optofluidic chip for chemiluminescence-based diagnostics

A microfluidic chip which combines luminol and a test liquid. Nanoparticles enhance the light given off by the reaction. A microscope is used to observe.

We propose a simple glass chip with a microfluidic channel on which we deposit nanoparticles. The test fluid and the luminol are added to their specific channels and then propelled through the joint channel by capillary force, in which they mix and react. Since chemiluminescence results in very low quantum yields, the nanoparticles are used to enhance it and make it visible even for very small concentrations. A microscope is used to observe and collect the information.