Welcome to Aurolab,
the plasma laboratory at the Department of Physics of the University of Tromsø. The laboratory is organized as a part of the Space Physics group. Aurolab facilitates experiments aimed to improve the understanding of plasma phenomena relevant to near-Earth space. It is the only laboratory of its kind in Norway, now located in the new Technology building in the Tromsø main campus.
We offer possibilities for students to perform interesting experimental projects in plasma physics on state-of-the-art equipment. Students will also be introduced to our international research network. There are ample opportunities for post-graduate work in a fast growing European job market in plasma physics research and industrial plasma applications.
Check the contents for further details of the laboratory and the research.
Åshild Fredriksen
or use contact form.
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Mieke Gorissen, and I am a member of Hasselt University’s PHYSXLAB in Belgium. Each year, we try and organize an ‘expedition’ for our students (3rd bachelor of physics) for which they prepare research setups having to do with the location they are visiting – and as this year’s theme is the polar circle and our destination will be Tromsø, topics include a system for the detection of auroras, a way to analyze the microplastic content of water, a setup to study electrical activity due to microbial life, a so-called ‘midnight solar cell’ and a quantum mechanical study of the earth’s magnetic field.
As this is of course also a great opportunity to visit research institutes and learn about the research being carried out there, I am doing some investigating into possibilities for visits during our stay (which should approximately be from September 9th to September 13th). The Aurolab caught our eye – and I was therefore wondering if it would be possible for you to have us pay you a visit. Our group should consist of about 20 people (around 12 students, supervised by PhD students / postdocs and PHYSXLAB staff and professor(s)).
I look forward to hearing from you – and please, don’t hesitate to contact me in case you have any questions.
Thanking you in advance, with kind regards,