Fieldtrip through Kautokeino, Karasjok and Lakselv. This is an example of how you can travel to explore, and learn more about Finnmark and the Samí people. Read more on our blog to learn about the different adventures you can do along the Golden Route Of Sápmi.
Cávzo Safari in Kautokeino
After an hour in the bus from Alta we arrived Máze, in Kautokeino which is Norway´s biggest municipality in areal. Actually a quarter of Denmark´s Area.
Johán Áilu and his son John welcomed us at Máze. Both in the gákti of Kautokeino, made by the wife of Johán and mother of John. They introduced the history about Máze. Talked about the history of the village, and how the government almost ruined it when they wanted to demolish the entire village as a part of the hydropower development at the 1970´s. That was the first time the Sami-people demonstrated against the Norwegian government, and won. This event marked the beginning of the process of formation of Sami parliament in Norway.

Johán brought us on a typically riverboat for the Sami people. As they say: “The world’s longest riverboats”. He drove us to the first church witch was build in Kautokeino.

Beyond Máze, and it´s history, we also got to learn about the Sami reindeer herder family. Their tradition, strong culture and also you get the chance to joik with the family. They brought us in their lavvu(Sami tepee) where there was reindeer skin on the ground witch we could sit on, around an crackling fire with coffee on a kettle hanging over.

We were served the traditional food “Bidos”, a stew the Sami normally serve at weddings and special occasions. It consists of cooked reindeer meat, carrots, potatoes, mustard, onions, and salt and pepper. Johán told us, “The more reindeers you have, more meat you use in the stew. It was, and still is, a way of showing your wealth.

This adventure really teaches you about the real life of Sami People, and how they were and still are fighting for the Sami culture. It´s something out of the ordinary.
At their homepage,, you can read more about them, and all of the adventures you can participate on.