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Project indicator summary

Indicator name

Indicator description

Completeness / actions to be taken


Approx. 300 students will participate in the educational program

6 M

.Sc. students will be part of exchange program between Banja Luka and Norw. Institutions.

1 Ph.D student partly financed his studies as a worker in the project.

10 students will have opportunity for internships within industry.

Approx. 120 students participated in the training courses.

11 students have been on exchange.

No PhD students were exchanged.


Establishment of institution coordinating Virtual Joint Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology in Production, VALIP.


Established and demonstrated. Video


Researchers from NTNU, NUC, UBL and PPM will publish the result from the BANOROB project. Submitted  joint projects with CEEPUS partners from Serbia, Romania, Slovakia, Poland and Bulgaria and other European project in area of:

o    Highly flexible industrial robot systems for small and medium sized companies

o    Remote support and knowledge transfer to small and medium sized companies using industrial robots

Results were published in scientific

Articles along with its presentations are collected on BANOROB document server.

Projects are under preparation phase.


40% of women in the project.

 Approx. 25 % was achieved.


Develop technology for Virtual Joint Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology in Production, VALIP. Increased attractiveness of robotics studies at UBL. Increased capacity of research groups at UBL. 

Developed and demonstrated. R&D group size is increased with the help of equipment purchased at UBL.

New teaching subjects / contents

Advanced production systems and automation

Advanced industrial robotics

Product- and production strategies for highly flexible manufacturing in small and medium sized companies

Highly flexible industrial robotics for small and mediums sized companies

Advanced cognitive man machine communication for small and medium sized companies


4 courses were changed in the education
plan of the Mechatronic B.Sc. students.

5 courses on M.Sc. level at Production
Engineering study program Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering in Banja Luka
were modified

Other indicators:

o    2-3 Related R&D projects

o    1 scientific conferences

o    10 scientific publications

16 scientific publications.
Have arranged special session in DEMI 2013 international scientific conference.

List of publications

  1. LABORATORY SOLUTION“,International Journal “Machines, Technologies, Materials”, issue 12/2012, Sofia, Bulgaria
    2. Tihomir Latinović, Trygve Thomeseen “Overview of intelligent control an industrial robot”, KOD 2012, Balanton, Hungary
    3. Tihomir Latinović, Sorin Deaconu, Milosav Đurđević “Develop Virtual Joint Laboratory for Robotics in Production”, MECH – CONF 2011, Subotica, Serbia
    4. Azin Aryania, Balazs Daniel, Trygve Thomessen, Gabor Sziebig, New trends in industrial robot controller user interfaces., In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications, CogInfoCom 2012. Kosice, Szlovákia, 2012.12.02-2012.12.05. pp. 365-369. Paper 55.
    5. Sziebig Gabor, Øritsland Trond Are, Navigating in 3D Immersive Environments: A VirCa Usability Study., In: Syroco 2012. Dubrovnik, Horvátország, 2012.09.05- 2012.09.07. Dubrovnik: pp. 380-384. Paper 141.
    6. Mihaylo Y. Stoychitch, Design of an Electromechanical Positioning System with Sinusoidal Change of the Jerk, In: FTSCEM 2013, pp 35-38, 2013.
    7. Tanja Kerezović, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang,Tihomir Latinovic, Human Safety in Robot Applications – Review of Safety Trends. In: 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical Mechanical Engineering and Information technology (DEMI 2013), pp. 162-162, 2013.
    8. Nikola Malešević, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang, Tihomir Latinovic, Simulation of Robotic Tasks with VALIP System – Practical Application. In: 11th International Conference on Accomplishments in Electrical Mechanical Engineering and Information technology (DEMI 2013), pp. 168-168, 2013.
    9. Tanja Kerezović, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang,Tihomir Latinovic, Human Safety in Robot Applications – Review of Safety Trends. ACTA TECHNICA CORVINIENSIS – Bulletin of Engineering, pp. 113-118, 2013. – Special selected paper from DEMI 2013 Proceedings.
    11. Đorđe ČIČA, Simo JOKANOVIĆ, Slaviša TODOROVIĆ, Stevo BOROJEVIĆ, TOLERANCE TRANSFER FROM CAD TO CAM SYSTEM, Kraljevo, Serbia, pp. 289-292, 2013.
    12. Nikola Malešević, Gabor Sziebig, Bjørn Solvang, Tihomir Latinovic, Simulation of Robotic Tasks with VALIP System – Practical Application. ANNALS OF FACULTY ENGINEERING HUNEDOARA – INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING, pp. 305-308, 2013. – Special selected paper from DEMI 2013 Proceedings.
    13. Tomasz Kosicki, Trygve Thomessen: Cognitive Human-Machine Interface Applied in Remote Support for Industrial Robot Systems. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Vol. 10, No. 342., pp. 1-10, 2013.
    14. Balázs Dániel, Péter Korondi, Gábor Sziebig, Trygve Thomessen: Evaluation of Flexible Graphical User Interface for Intuitive Human Robot Interactions. Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 11., No. 1., pp. 135-151, 2014
    15. Mihaylo Y. Stoychitch, Design of a Digital Positioning System with Sinusoidal Change of the Jerk, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 474, pp. 255-260, 2014.
    16. Trygve THOMESSEN, Mihoko NIITSUMA, Towards Virtual Presence applying multimodal man-machine communication; soon full remote operation of industrial robot systems, In: SII 2014. Tokyo, Japan, 2014.12.13-2014.12.15, pp. 6-13, 2014.



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