- Establish an attractive student program within production engineering with a special focus on robotics and automation at University of Banja Luka by including high technological level study courses, advanced laboratory facilities, industrial relevant student projects.
- Establish an exchange program between University of Banja Luka, Narvik University College and The Norwegian University of Science and Technology in collaboration with PPM AS to provide attraction to students, bilateral knowledge transfer and industrial related student projects.
- Establish post-qualifying education courses within production engineering with a special focus on robotics and automation. These courses are dedicated to enhance the present knowledge within the industry in Western Balkan.
- Develop Virtual Joint Laboratory for Advanced Information Technology in Production, VALIP; – an advanced laboratory for education and research within robotics and production engineering. VALIP is a virtual integration of the laboratories at the respective partners; thus, enabling access to the all of the laboratories from any of the partners in the project.
- Prepare a business concept for a high tech company in the Innovation Center in Banja Luka with the intention to commercialize parts of the research from the BANOROB project for the market in Western Balkan.
About Us
The BANOROB project is intended to establish a high level industrial related education within production engineering at University of Banja Luka. There will be a special focus on robotics and automation because this knowledge is essential in a long term perspective, but in addition, includes methodology which automatically leads to efficient companies even though manual work force is used as a first step.
- BANORAB cooperation is a “Success story” – changes the mindset – break the barriers
- Enhanced curricula and quality of service for students and teaching staff
- Connecting research in Norway – empowers research in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- International Networking & industrial application – chance for new development chapter at UBL
- Cooperation Agreement as a “prelude” for possible Strategic Partnership Initiatives in light of Bosnia and Herzegovina EU aspirations and Norwegian development model and know-how in many areas
Supported by
HERD – Programme for Higher Education, Research and Development 2010-2014
Peace, reconcilliation and democracy initiatives in the Western Balkans
For HERD/ICT the specific aim is to contribute to economic growth and social development through increased co-operation in higher education and research and development between the institutions, and in cooperation with the industry in the ICT sector in Norway and the Western Balkans.
HERD/ICT programme co-ordinated by Buskerud University College.