CAGE is arranging a MagellanPlus workshop in June, to develop a comprehensive proposal for International Ocean Discovery Program. The aim will be a scientific drilling expedition to the Fram Strait.
Text: Maja Sojtaric
The MagellanPlus Workshop Series Programme is designed to support scientists in developing new and innovative science proposals to meet future challenges in Earth, life and environmental sciences. It is co-funded by European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling (ECORD) and ICDP.
The programme funds workshops and/or scientists that are expected to lead to or foster high-quality and innovative scientific drilling proposals for submission to International Ocean Discovery Program( IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
The CAGE workshop “Temporal evolution of Arctic gas hydrate and methane seepage systems” aims to bring together a team of scientists from wide-ranging disciplines. The goal is to develop a comprehensive IODP proposal to quantify the links between large scale geological processes and methane seepage systems in the Fram Strait, the Atlantic-Arctic gateway.
“We invite all scientists interested in developing proposals for scientific drilling in the Fram Strait to join us in Tromsø.” says convener and CAGE scientist Andreia Plaza Faverola
If the proposal is successful it will lead to a drilling expedition in the Fram Strait on board JOIDES Resolution in 2021.
The Fram Strait is particularly suited for studying how ultra-slow spreading ridge tectonism and glaciations affect methane and gas hydrate systems. The potential impact of such interactions on geochemical and biological cycles is of special interest.
Registration deadline: April 25 2018 (see flyer below)