Marine Geological Cruise to Storfjordrenna, Bjørnøyrenna and Thor Iversenbanken aboard R/V Helmer Hanssen
Chief Scientist: Karin Andreassen
The cruise was a part of the Centre of Excellence for Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate (CAGE) at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway.
The cruise aimed at investigating areas with gas venting from the seabed in central Bjørnøyrenna and outer Storfjordrenna, as well as subglacial meltwater systems in Thor Iversenbanken, central Barents Sea. More specific objectives included:
- Acquisiton of a P-cable 3D seismic survey over part of a large crater and pingo field in central Bjørnøyrenna
- Sampling gas in water, sediments and air in areas of gas venting within the crater and pingo field
- Acquisiton of gravity cores for identification of palaeo-subglacial lakes in Thor Iversenbanken
- Acquisiton of 2D seismic across subglacial meltwater systems in Thor Iversenbanken
- Acqusition of 2D seismic across pingos identified in Storfjordrenna
- Sampling of gas in air in the area where pingos have been identified in Storfjordrenna