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Seismological experiments on the Vestnesa Ridge  aboard R/V Helmer Hanssen

Chief Scientist: Stefan Bünz


Cruise CAGE19-1 with UiT’s research vessel R/V Helmer Hanssen was the 1st of several planned cruises within the SEAMSTRESS project (Tectonic stress effects on Arctic methane seepage), an early-career starting grant by the Tromsø Research Foundation (TFS) and the Research Council of Norway (RCN-Frinatek) awarded to Andreia Plaza-Faverola.

The overall goal of cruise CAGE19-1 was to conduct a large-scale ocean-bottom seismic experiments on the eastern segment of the Vestnesa Ridge. A dense network of 23 ocean-bottom seismometers (OBS) have been deployed over the Lunde pockmark. Seismic acquisition over these OBS will provide data for a tomographic inversion of travel times in order to obtain the velocity structure of the chimney beneath the Lunde pockmark. In a second experiment, 7 OBS have been deployed long-term until summer 2020 and monitor microseismic events related to tectonics and seepage from pockmarks along the eastern segment of Vestnesa Ridge