Pavel Serov, Researcher
Pavel Serov is a post doc within The Role of Ice Ages research group at CAGE.
His current work investigates the episodic buildup and decay of vast ice sheets during the Pleistocene, and whether or not they affected the migration of hydrocarbons in the shallow strata of the Barents Sea shelf. His project is supported by VISTA – a collaborative program between the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Equinor. In his work, Pavel uses geophysical observations, geochemical analysis and carries out gas hydrate modeling. His work is closely connected to the ice-sheet modeling done by Alun Hubbard (CAGE; Aberystwyth University) and Henry Patton (CAGE).
Pavel Serov received his PhD degree from UiT – The Arctic University of Norway in the end of 2018. During his PhD project he studied how, where and when the melting of ice sheets and thawing of permafrost resulted in methane release. Prior to this position, he received his Master and Bachelor degrees in marine geology at Saint-Petersburg State University.
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