The brand new ice-going research vessel, Kronprins Haakon, is equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation. It is capable of year-round operation in ice-covered waters, where it will monitor the environmental state and the climate state of both the Arctic and the Antarctic. The vessel is based in Tromsø, and is officially owned by the Norwegian Polar Institute, run and maintained by the Institute of Marine Research, and largely used by UiT.
About the ship
- PC 3 class icebreaker: Year-round operation in ice-covered waters
- Equipped with state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation
- Moonpool and ROV, AUV and helicopter operations
- Accomodation for 15–17 crew and 35 scientists
- Endurance 65 days at cruising speed
- Cruising speed of 15 knop and will be able to break through ice up to one metre.
- 100 metres long and 21 metres broad
- Cost: NOK 1.4 billion
Read our article about CAGE’s first voyage on Kronprins Haakon here.