Researchers at CAGE have access to the micropaleontology laboratory at the Department of Geology, UiT.
Calcareous fossils
The micropaleontology facility specializes in calcareous fossils such as planktic and benthic foraminifera, processing and extraction.
These include:
- Sample preparation facilities:
- A wet lab and fume hood for sample washing and acid digestion
- A clean-room for specific chemical cleaning
- A variety of microscopy
- 9 Leica div MZ
- Wilde Heerbrugg M 400, M 38, M 8
- and double microscope
- Access to a Leica DMLP
- with photo acquisition possibilities,
- reference collections of microfossil species
- an extensive micropalaeontological reference library.
The laboratory also gives access to three new and modern scanning electron microscopes, including a Hitachi Analytical TableTop Microscope / benchtop SEM TM3030, a ZEISS Merlin Compact VP and a Zeiss Sigma.
The laboratory collaborates with the industry and a number of universities worldwide. Collaborators may work individually or supported by laboratory staff on a cost-sharing basis.
For more information contact Trine Dahl.