
Peer-reviewed articles

Pnyushkov, A.V., Polyakov, I.V., Ivanov, V.V., Aksenov, Y., Coward, A.C., Janout, M., Rabe, B. (2015) Structure and variability of the boundary current in the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean. Deep-Sea Research I. (

Wassmann P, K.N. Kosobokova, D. Slagstad, K.F. Drinkwater, R.R. Hopcroft, S.E. Moore, I. Ellingsen, R.J. Nelson, E. Carmack, E. Popova, J. Berge. (2015). The contiguous domains of Arctic Ocean advection: Trails of life and death. Progress in Oceanography In Press, 

Christine M., Hamilton J., Hansen E., Barber D., Reigstad M., Iacozza J., Seuthe L., Niemi A. (2015) Arctic Ocean outflow shelves in the changing Arctic: A review and perspectives. Progress in Oceanography.

Wassmann P, 2015. Overarching perspectives of contemporary and future ecosystems in the Arctic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography in press

Randelhoff, A., Sundfjord, A., Reigstad, M. (2015) Seasonal variability and fluxes of nitrate in the surface waters over the Arctic shelf slope. Geophysical Research Letters 42.3442-3449

Slagstad, D., Wassmann, P. and Ellingsen (2015) I. Physical constrains and productivity in the future Arctic Ocean.  Frontiers in Marine Science. In press

Garcia-Corral, LS, Agusti, S, Regaudie-de-Gioux, A ; Iuculano, F  ; Carrillo-de-Albornoz, P  ; Wassmann, P  ; Duarte, CM (2014). Ultraviolet radiation enhances Arctic net plankton community production. GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 41 5960-5967DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060553

Coello-Camba, A ; Agusti, S  ; Vaque, D ; Holding, J ; Arrieta, JM  ; Wassmann, P ; Duarte, CM (2015). Experimental Assessment of Temperature Thresholds for Arctic Phytoplankton Communities.  ESTUARIES AND COASTSTAL LETTERS 38,  873-885 DOI: 10.1007/s12237-014-9849-7

J.M. Holding, C. M. Duarte, M. Sanz-Martín, E. Mesa, J. M. Arrieta, M. Chierici, I. E. Hendriks, L. S. García-Corral, A. Regaudie-de-Gioux, A. Delgado, M. Reigstad, P. Wassmann & S. Agustí (2015). Temperature dependence of CO2-enhanced primary production in the European Arctic Ocean. Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2768


Oral presentations

Halvorsen E. Significance of lipid storage levels for reproductive output in the Arctic copepod Calanus hyperboreus.. ASLO 2015 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Granada, Spain ; 2015-02-22 – 2015-02-27

Basedow S, Sundfjord A. “Advection of Atlantic Water and secondary producers into the Arctic Ocean”. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø/Norway 19. – 23.01.2015

Wassmann P. “The contiguous domains of Arctic Ocean advection: trails of life and Death”. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø/Norway 19. – 23.01.2015

Seuthe L, Vernet M, Paulsen ML, Cape M, Reigstad M. “Patterns and drivers of bacterial production in the marginal ice zone northwest of Svalbard”. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø/Norway 19. – 23.01.2015

Vernet M, Cape M, Seuthe L, Matrai P, Paulsen ML, Reigstad M. “Coupling of phytoplankton and bacteria production in Atlantic waters west of Svalbard”. Arctic Change Conference, Ottawa/Canada 08. – 12.12.2014.



Basedow SL, Sundfjord A. Inflow of Zooplankton into the Arctic Ocean through the Fram Strait.  Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Slagstad D, Wassmann P, Ellingsen I. Physical contrains of productivity in the Arctic Ocean: Trajectories into future. Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Wiedmann I, Reigstad M, Sundfjord A, Tremblay JE. Potential drivers of the vertical carbon flux in Arctic marine ecosystems: nitrate upward flux and sinking particles’ characteristics. Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Paulsen ML, Müller O, Seuthe L, Stedmon C. Degradation of terrestric organic matter by heterotrophic bacteria in contrasting water masses, NW Svalbard. Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Seuthe L. Responses of an Arctic marine microbial polar night community to extreme low light conditions. Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Randelhoff A, Sundfjord A, Reigstad M. Seasonal variability and fluxes of nitrate in the surface waters over the Arctic shelf slope. Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Halvorsen E, Pond D. Lipid fatty acid composition of Calanus hyperboreus eggs throughout the spawning period. Gordon Research Conference 2015 Polar Marine Science, Barga di Lucca, Italy ; 2015-03-15 – 2015-03-20

Reigstad M, Wassmann P, Svensen C, Seuthe L, Basedow S, Ellingsen I. “Bridging marine productivity regimes: How Atlantic inflow affects productivity, carbon cycling and export in a melting Arctic Ocean (CarbonBridge)”. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø/Norway 19. – 23.01.2015
