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Events and Visitors

This site provides a concise overview of events arranged by CASTLFish or otherwise of interest, as well as the dates of research visitors’ stays. An overview over past events can be found here. To attain information about events previously arranged events, search the news archive.

Consult the calendar or individual listings for information about the time and place of each event.


Fall 2023

12th October: Barbara Vogt (L’Acquila) – The linear order in language games: rearrangement or reduplication and truncation?

23-24th November: Workshop on Sequencing in Phonology



Fall 2022

25 August: Trial Lecture and Thesis Defence: Bror-Magnus S. Strand 

26 August: Workshop on the occasion of Strand’s defense, with talks by Jenn Smith and Tomas Riad

12-18 September: Visitor (SALT project): Gaja Jarosz (UMass Amherst)

14 September: Gaja Jarosz: Sonority Sequencing in Polish: An Ongoing Nature v Nurture Debate

16 September: Gaja Jarosz: Learning Hidden Generalizations

13 October: Invited talk by Kjell Johan Sæbø, on the occasion of Charlotte Sant’s midway evaluation

24-30 October: Visitor (SALT project): Rina Kreitman (University of Kent)

24 October: Rina Kreitman: Clusters, Sequences, Sonority and Voicing  and everything in between.

26 October: Rina Kreitman: The Conundrums of Teaching Less Commonly Taught Languages. 

27–28 October: The Foundations of Extended Projections

6-27 November: Visitor (SALT project): Chris Golston (CSU Fresno)

17 November: Chris Golston: The verbal spine in grammar and animal cognition

23 November: Pavel Iosad: A metrical approach to ternarity in Northern European prosodic contrasts

23-25 November: Møte om norsk språk MONS19

28 November: Chris Golston: The role of the syllable in Ancient Greek accentuation

29 November: Chris Golston: Intonational phrases via null heads and adjunction 

5 December: Tobias Scheer: 3x phonology and multiple-module spell-out (12:15-14:00)

6 December: Tobias Scheer: German articles and Phase space (12:15-14:00)



Spring 2022

3 March: Guest Lecture: Villa-Garcìa

4 March: Trial Lecture and Thesis Defence: Natalia Jardón

30 March: Trial Lecture and Thesis Defence: Maud Westendorp

31 March: Post Defence Workshop 

1 April: Invited Talk: Vikner

1 July: Trial Lecture and Thesis Defence: Eirini Apostolopoulou


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