The CHOCO group gratefully acknowledges funding through these projects and funding sources:
- CATCHME (2020-2024) FriPro Individual Research Grant for project CATCH ME IF YOU CAN: Selective CO2 conversion via chiral CO2 trapping funded by the Research Council of Norway.
- CO2PERATE (2020-2024) Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 859910.
- OILFREE CHEMISTRY (2019) 0.5 year researcher positions for evaluating components of biomass, funded by the Arctic Centre for Sustainable Energy
- OILFREE (2019-2022) 3 year postdoc grant for designing heterogeneous CO2-converting catalysts, funded by the Faculty of Science and Technology, UiT.
- CHOCO (2017-2020) Recruitment grant on homogeneous CO2 conversion, funded by the Tromsø Research Foundation, and by the Dept. of Chemistry at UiT.
- Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences (2017-2027) Center of Excellence funded by the Research Council of Norway.
- NordCO2 (2018-2023) Nordic consortium on CO2 conversion funded by NordForsk and the participarting Universities.
- iCCU (2018-2021) Interdiciplinary CCU project funded by the University of Tromsø
- deFACTO (2014-2018) Young Researcher Grant funded by the Research Council of Norway.
- MarVal (2015-2019) Valorization of marine biomass funded by the University of Tromsø.
- Computational resources from Notur.