Members of the CHOCO research team

Leader of CHOCO team
Prof. Kathrin H. Hopmann

Kathrin is an expert in quantum chemical modelling of organometallic reactions, with emphasis on selectivity and on validation of mechanistic proposals (PhD 2008, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden). Besides leading the CHOCO group and it various projects, Kathrin is leader of the ITN CO2PERATE. A more comprehensive CV is available as a PDF here.
See also: ORCID (articles), TeachingPortfolio (Teaching), Google scholar.

Co-leader of CHOCO team
Prof. Annette Bayer
Expertise in organic synthesis.
See also: Homepage



Dr. Ljiljana Pavlovic

Project: Modelling of CO2 capture molecules (funded by the Research Council of Norway)
Previous activity: PhD CHOCO (2016-2020)
Modelling of rhodium- and cobalt-based transition metal catalysts (funded by UiT)

PhD student MARVAL
Anders Myhre Brakestad

Project: Modelling of molecular properties with Multiwavelets (funded by UiT)


PhD student NordCO2
Cuong Dat Do 

Project: Modelling of CO2 activation using FLPs (funded by UiT)



PhD student iCCU
Martin Pettersen

Project: Experimental development of CO2-converting catalysts (iCCU, funded by UIT)


PhD student CO2PERATE
Jhonnatan Carvalho de Oliveira Gomes

Project: Computational analysis of CO2 – based carboxylation of hydrocarbons (funded by H2020 – MSCA ITN)


PhD student CO2PERATE
Sahil Gahlawat

Project: Conversion of CO2 to Carbamates (funded by H2020 – MSCA ITN)


Dr. Anggi Putra

Project: Molecules for CO2 capture


Administration staff
Dr. Marie-J. H. Halsør




Dr. Ashot Gevorgyan (Postdoc and CHOCO, 2017-2021)
Project:  Experimental development of transition metal-based CO2-converting catalysts (funded by TFS)

Dr. Gevorgyan has started his own group at UiT and is still in contact with the CHOCO group.

Dr. Marc Ferry Obst (PhD and Researcher CHOCO, 2017-2021)
Modelling of transition metal-based CO2-converting catalysts (funded by TFS, 2020-2021)
Modelling of copper- and nickel-based CO2-conversion catalysts (funded by TFS, 2017-2020)

Dr.  Diego García López (Postdoc CHOCO, 2018-2020)
Project: Modelling of transition-metal based CO2-converting catalysts (funded by TFS)



Trine Andreassen (Administration staff CHOCO, 2020)




Dr.  Sietske Grijseels (Researcher CHOCO,2019)
Project: Upcycling of biomass from parasite infected plants (collaboration with prof. Espen Hansen and prof. Kirsten Krause; funded by ARC at UiT)



Dr. Janakiram Vaitla (Postdoc deFACTO and CHOCO, 2016-2019)
Project: Experimental investigation of selectivity-determining factors in transition-metal catalyzed reactions (deFACTO, funded by the RCN)



Yngve Guttormsen (Technical/Administration staff CHOCO, 2017-2019)




Dr. Glenn Morello (Postdoc deFACTO, 2015-2018)
Project: Theoretical investigation of selectivity-determining factors in transition-metal catalyzed reactions (deFACTO, funded by the RCN)




Research visits/Undergraduate projects:

  • Erik Hernæs Norheim, Fall 2021. Bachelor project (UiT):  CO2 capture with amines
  • Kristine Rein, Spring 2020, Bachelor project (UiT): Can biotin bind CO2?
  • Ambre Steiner, Spring 2018, IUT Robert Schuman -Universite de Strasbourg, France
  • Louise Putout, Spring 2018, University of Franche-Comté, Besancon, France
  • Kristers Ozols, Spring 2016, Riga Technical University, Latvia
  • Sonja Tischlik, Sommer 2015, Universität Konstanz, Germany